Chapter 11

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            Bonnie is wake up as he is exhausted, but he remembers what happened this morning. He looks at Bonbon as she is still sleeping with bit hurts. He sighs and gets up, but he has mistaken as Bonbon wake up by Bonnie moving. Bonnie says, "Sorry, about u get wake up... want some water?" Bonbon nods that she wants. Bonnie get off of his bed to walk out of his room. He is walking to a small refrigerator to get a bottle of water. Bonnie is walking to back his room. Bonnie give a bottle to Bonbon after he opens a cap of the bottle. Bonbon takes to drink it. Bonbon is wincing in hurts when a water touch inside of her throat. Bonnie starting to rubbing her back. Bonnie says, "I know that hurt. That hot water with salt can help with your throat. We will do it later." Bonbon nods and keeping drink a drink of water until she gets feeling better unless she is still tired. Bonbon lays on Bonnie's bed and sleeping. Bonnie sigh and take an empty bottle to throw it in a trash can. Bonnie is going upstairs to arrive a kitchen. He looking foods for eating lunches with Bonbon. Bonnie decides to make some sandwiches. He finishes making some sandwiches. He is looking at few chip bags. He takes Lay's Barbecue chip bag, Cheetos Puffs chip bag, and Doritos Nacho Cheese and Cool Ranch. Bonnie is carrying the lunches to his basement. He put them on a table and walking to his room. He shakes Bonbon to wake her up. Bonbon groans and trying back to sleep. Bonnie sighs and says, "I know you want to sleep, but it is time for lunch. I don't want to you get hungry and miss lunch. We did miss breakfast this morning because you have coughed up with some blood. You can go to sleep after eating lunch." Bonbon sighs and gets up with Bonnie's help. Bonnie says, "Can you walk yourself? If you don't, then I will help you." Bonbon trying to walk but she is weak to walking as her legs are shakes. She is almost fell, but Bonnie catches her. Bonnie says, "Don't push hard yourself. Let me help you." Bonbon nods and holds Bonnie to walking together. They arrive at the dining room. Bonbon sits down on a chair and waiting. Bonnie says, "I was making some sandwiches. I bring those with some chips. I am going to get some bottles of water." Bonnie is walking to a small refrigerator and grabbing some bottles of water. He is walking to a table and put the bottles on a table. Bonnie get couple sandwiches to give Bonbon and says, "Which you like to eat some chips?" Bonbon nods and point to Cheetos Puffs. Bonnie take Cheetos puffs bag to give it to Bonbon. They are starting to eat lunch. Bonbon is finished eating then Bonnie is Finish too. Bonnie said, "Are you want to sleep?" Bonbon nods; suddenly Bonbon coughing in horrible sound. Bonnie is panicking and rushing to her for she need help. Bonnie grabs a bottle to open it. Bonnie says, "Drink it!" Bonbon is slowly grabbing in shaking a bottle, but she drops it and cover her mouth as she is coughing with some blood. Bonnie is getting worrying and panicking to put his hand on her chest. He can feel that inside her chest like rumbling. He gets her to lift her down until she has stop coughing. Bonbon catches some air and breathing in barely. Bonnie sighs and grabs the other bottle. He says, "That's okay, drink it." Bonbon takes it to drink until it is empty. Bonbon sighs and breathing in painful. Bonnie sighs and style bride her to his room. Bonnie put Bonbon on his bed and walking to his bathroom. He takes a towel with wet and walking back to Bonbon. He starts to clean all blood off of Bonbon's mouth and hands. Bonnie says, "Go to sleep. I am going to talk Baron." Bonbon nods and starts to sleeping. Bonnie sighs and throws a towel to a laundry can. He takes his phone to call his young brother. He is waiting for his answer it.

Baron answers "Hello?"

Bonnie says, "It is Bonnie. That worst thing... Bonbon coughed with blood again. I saw that when I was helping her until she stopped coughing... now she is sleeping... That coughs sound like bad and horrible..."

Baron says, "Shit... Ok, if often she coughs then around few hours or so then bring her to here. We will look here. If she doesn't cough then keeping an eye on her, Bonnie. I am working on her files. That seems some names are same of Bonbon Jones... I will figure out about that files if it matches her illness like you inform that happen."

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