Chapter 8

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              Foxy enter his room to change his clothes. He sighs and remembers Freddy informed him and others about Bonnie's father and mother are coming with Springtrap, Baron, and Zensho. Foxy knew about Bonnie's father has a terrible problem since he was young like seven age. Foxy will watch a father with his friends for making sure a father is okay. Foxy is out of his room and walking while he is not attention where he goes. He bumps into Mangle. Mangle is angry and punches Foxy. She is snapping him "Watch where you are going, Pervert!"

Foxy rubs where Mangle punches and say "Sorry. Do not have t' punch me. Me dern't attention whar me go because me just worryin' about Bonnie's father."

Mangle rolling her eyes and says "Whatever... I wonder why this father is depressing for he loses his close best friend? What happens to his close best friend?"

Foxy sighs and says "Me can be tellin' ye but me can't. Only Bonnie can be tellin' if he be ready or so..."

Mangle sighs and says "Fine but keep away from me." She is walking away from Foxy who annoying.

Foxy murmuring "Me dern't understand why she hates me when what me doin' nothin'." He is trying to figuring out.

Someone behind of Foxy and speaking "Because you are a pervert when you flirt any females. I do believe Chica or Mary told Mangle and Chichi about you."

Foxy jump with Yelp to look at someone who spoke up and yelling "Dern't scare me, Teo! Oh, me remember that me were bein' flirtin' with any females but I dern't flirting to Mangle!"

Teo says "Unknown. Maybe her ex-boyfriend dumped or cheated on her. Let's go." Teo and Foxy are walking to downstairs. They are arriving as they meet Bonbon who out of a basement with blushing. Bonbon looks them and walking away to outside. Teo is confused about this and says "Did Mangle helps her with change clothes?"

Mangle is laying on a couch and says "No I don't. It was Bonnie who helped her. I allowed him." She crosses arms to the behind of her head and closes her eyes.

Teo and Foxy are dropping their jaws down. Teo stammering "B..B..But Bonnie is male! When starting that he was helping her!"

Mangle sighs and says "When we are busy at a restaurant. No one of females helps her. You know."

Teo says "Are you sure that? I saw Bonbon is blushing and walking away..."

Mangle says "Well, she is very shyly. She will use to that with Bonnie. Bonnie will use to that too. Just let them go. And get away from me, Foxy" she rolling to a couch.

Foxy is a bit disappoint and say "Me dern't doin' nothin' t' ye. Me dern't understand why ye hate me fer nothin'. Fine, I will stay away from you. I don't care about you." Foxy is walking away as Teo gets shocking when Foxy was talking in English last words.

Teo looks at Mangle and says "I am sorry about that. He had tough times in his young ages as I know. Just take easy on him." Mangle won't listen to Teo and ignores him. Teo sighs and walking away. Teo is walking to enter a kitchen. He looks at a glass door as he sees Bonbon is sitting on a relaxing chair while she is watching a sky. Teo sighs as someone speak up "Teo? What's wrong?"

Toe looks at someone spoke up it is Chica and notices Chichi is with Chica. Teo says "Um, there were Foxy and Mangle are hating around by now... I was caught Foxy said in an English on last words. It is sound like angrily. I was tried to tell Mangle to take easy on Foxy, but Mangle won't listen and ignore me."

Chica gets worried about that. Chich sighs and says "I can talking her if I can."

Teo says "Just leave them alone to take their times. So better start to cook dinner. I am hungry for now." He is laughing.

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