Chapter 23

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Sorry, i don't know happen here after Chapter 23 delete. Maybe accident. So i bring it back.

William laughs and says, "Right. You can keep surprising me. You are lucky but... Kimkio was not."

Elliott growls and says, "Leave her alone! I won't forgive you for kill my wife and old friends!"

Rocky and Maxie say same time, "Right!"

Rocky says, "Why you kill our old friends and wives?!"

William frowns and says, "You who abandoned your own gangster group for that bitches! You abandoned your own members and allowed polices caught them! I won't forget about that!"

Maxie says, "We were not allowed polices caught our old friends! We did broken all police cars to free them! Maybe you didn't know or noticed!"

William laughs and says, "That all liar. You are weaknesses of the bitches and brats! That why I killed all old traitors!"

Fredbear hear all said and says, "How you kill them?"

William chuckles and says, "So easy... I controlled a truck to crash on Elliott and Kimkio as Elliott is alive but Kimkio is dead." Elliott growls and his daughters gasp. "I used a knife to kill Rose when she done shopped." Rocky and his sons with Bonbon are shocking. "I planted a bomb on the vehicles as Joop, Josephine, Rossiter, and Jaci got into their vehicles to kill them when a bomb is a boom." Chica and her sisters are shocking. "I shot Tiger and Jewel when they were walking at the park." Kagemusha growls and her sisters are crying. "I trap on Ethan, Aurora, Wyatt, and Skylar in an old abandoned building and collapsed to killed them." Mari, his brothers, Mary, and her sisters gasp. "I left some glass on road as Huritt, Alsoomse, Rowtag, and Kanti in one vehicle when they were vacationing, they had hit the glass with vehicle tire boom and lost control to crashed by a train." Mangle, her sisters, Foxy, and brothers snarling/growling. "I planted boom in a house when Kato, Fran, Felix, and Ariel were hanging out at Kato and Fran's house" Felicia cover her mouth with a gasp, her sisters are shocking, Teo is angry and his brothers growling. "I get to enter a house and... killed Joe after that brats moved out."

Fredrick, Bonbon, Mangle, Mari, Chichi, and Felicia say same time, "WHAT?!"

William laughs and says, "Oh yes! You can say goodbye to Club Family! They will be dead when that abandoned factory has bombs!" He still laughs and cut out a radio.

The animals and puppets are shocks. Rocky shouts, "MAXIE! GET OUT NOW!"

Springtrap piggybacking by Bonnie who injured on Springtrap's back and says, "MOVE NOW!"

Maxie says, "I know where to go. This place used we had slept here long ago." He guiding to a hideout and open it. The brothers and Jayce are surprises but they enter it. Maxie pull a trapdoor on the floor and says, "Jump down! Under of an old abandoned factory had pipes as a guide to a pond!" They nod and start the jump. They hear beeping and hurrying. An abandoned factory gets an explosion.

Fredbear shouts, "FUCK! WE ARE LATE! SPRINGTRAP!? ARE YOU THERE!?" But Springtrap is not responding.

Chira says, "Don't tell... did they not make it?" Fredbear growls and slams on a window.

At hospital

They are completely shocking after hear from Fredbear and Chira in a radio. Elliott is shake up and trying to comfort his daughters who crying. Freddy and others are shaking up or crying or hugging around. Rocky closed his eyes and few minutes into thinking. Rocky says, "William will come here to kill us, Elliott. We should not allow him to do it."

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