Chapter 14

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          Bonbon getting scared after she sees Amy is very angry. Bonbon is trying move to hide Bonnie who confuses and worrying. Bonnie says, "I thought you were busy at work."

Amy says, "I did call you but you did not answer. Some people had an accident doing near my work. My boss decided to send us to home. I was want to see you because you said you were attacked. I want to know why you get close that roommate."

Bonnie sighs and says, "I am trying to help her to talk. She was never talking since she moved here with her brother and friends. I don't cheat on you. She is my roommate, and Freddy and Fredrick asked me to watch her. She doesn't do with me. I-" Bonnie hear ringing sing and notice that is Baron. Bonnie says, "Hold it, my brother calls me. I will talk you later. Bonbon, stay here and watch a movie. Okay?" Bonnie walking to upstairs for his phone was on a table near a door.

Amy glaring at Bonbon is shake up and trying move away from Amy. Amy says, "You can't escape from me... You must like him. I will make you away from him or I can hurt you, little shit." Amy walking to Bonbon. Bonbon drops her ears down and more scared.

Bonnie walking to get his phone and look it. Missed Call by Baron. Bonnie typing his phone to call him. He is waiting for an answer. Baron answer it and says, "Thank god you answer!"

Bonnie is confused and says, "What wrong?"

Baron says, "Springtrap just call me that he found Koshi and her sisters."

Bonnie sighs and says, "That good, Bonbon will happy when she hears that."

Baron says, "That serious problem..."

Bonnie says, "What is it?"

Baron says, "Koshi told Springtrap about Bonbon's illness. An illness is heart disease."

Bonnie is shocked and says, "That... is dangerous?"

Baron says, "Yes, it can heart attack if not running with blood. Also, it is barely heartbeats and thickness than normal. It is very weak."

Bonnie is worrying and says "How to treat it?"

Baron says, "That hard to treatment but only one way. I can change her heart to new one."

Bonnie says, "Okay... how get a new one? From someone who died?"

Baron says, "Possible, I will some calls if they can do."

Bonnie sighs and says, "How she coughed blood out?"

Baron says, "That was her heart pressed on her lungs as her heart is thick."

Bonnie says, "Oh, that explains... What am I doing?"

Baron says, "Bring her to here. I will take look here. She can be safe from here for she needs a treatment."

Bonnie says, "Ok, I will do that."

Baron says, "Um, about Freddy and others? I know they are working but they need know."

Bonnie says, "I will talking them about it."

Baron says, "Alright, see you soon with Bonbon. Bye."

Bonnie says, "Bye..." he hangs on and sighs. He walking to downstairs and says, "Hey, Bonbon. We need to go to a hospital for you ne-" He looks up and shocks when he sees Amy pushing on Bonbon's chest. Bonbon is winching and crying.

Amy says, "I know, you like him... I don't like you have closed him... he is mine, you shit baby." Suddenly, Bonbon coughing blood out anywhere. Amy is shocked and says, "What is hell it?!"

Bonnie yelling, "AMY! GET OFF OF BONBON! SHE IS DAMN SICK!" He pushes Amy off of Bonbon to a couch and glaring. He says, "How dare you... you hurting any females!? Did you hurt my best friends, no sisters, Chica and Mary?! Fuck! I need to listen to Freddy. God Damn it! GET OUT NOW. I will talk about this! Bonbon! Hold on! I take you to a hospital right now!" Bonnie ignores Amy who shocks and takes Bonbon. He carrying her to out of a house and arriving his truck. He put Bonbon on a chair in the back of a truck and says, "I am sorry about leaving you there with Amy..." Bonnie close door and running to the bathroom for getting towels. He brings them to his truck and opens a door. He starts to clean Bonbon with bloody anywhere. He says, "Use this. We going to the hospital now." He gets inside and starts driving to a hospital. He takes his phone to call Baron.

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