Chapter 25

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           William walking around and looking for a bear and a rabbit. Rocky and Elliott are hiding in Baron's office. Elliott is worrying about Rocky got weaker than him. Elliott pat Rocky's shoulder, "What is wrong? Never see that before."

Rocky look a wounded on the right side, "I know... I feeling like dizziness and sickness."

Elliott widens his eyes, "Uh oh..."

Rocky is confused, "What is it?"

Elliott looking around for medicine, "William knew you are strong enough, he used poison on shells in that gun. A poison can slowly to kill you and it can make you weaker. I need to find the antidotes for that poison!"

Rocky groans, "Are you doctor or what?"

Elliott is frozen in a pose and rubs his head, "Well, I was such idiot for a fight with a snake... I got poison from him.... Hehe. Kimkio was helped me but she was mad and put me to sleep on a couch..."

Rocky rolls his eyes and shakes his head, "Oh boy..."

Elliott smiles, "After I was sleeping on a couch, the girls came to sleeping with me..."

Rocky smiles that, "They were worried about you. Kimkio?"

Elliott laughs, "She saw that and took a picture of us. She knew that she can't keeping mad at me..."

Rocky nods and watching at Elliott who looking for the antidotes but can't find it. Rocky shakes his head, "I don't think so the antidotes are here. Need to find the antidotes other rooms..."

Elliott nods and helping Rocky to walk, "I am keeping listen to any footsteps from Willian's." He listening any footsteps but no sounds. Elliott opens a door in slowly and quietly. He looking around in the halls. Elliott and Rocky walking in quietly. They reading signs on walls, they notice a sign 'Medicine Room' is a north way but one problem, that way as where William is.

Rocky groans, "That great. What we do now?"

Elliott gets worrying, "We don't have enough time. I need to find a hideout for you when I go get it."

Rocky nods, "Fine, Be careful."

Elliott nods and looking around for a hideout as Rocky can resting. He found a room as where lot sheets and blankets for the beds. They get to enter it and looking around all sheets and blankets are very nice clean and in the baskets. They notice a bed in a small room. They going there for it. Rocky sit down on a bed and resting. Elliott sighs, "I am going now. Be careful."

Rocky nods, "You too."

Elliott closes a door and leaves a room. He looking around and listen to any sounds. He starting to running to a medicine room. He still listens but no sounds. He gets worrying as he is running. He sees a nurse station room near doors of outsides. He wondering where William is and stops run to looking around. He moves quickly to hide behind a counter. He looking around before reading signs. He takes to running to a medicine room. He enters a room and looking around for antidotes. In a few minutes later, he found them and takes a couple of antidotes. He walking to a door and listening any sound. He hears footsteps and stays there quietly to waiting. He hears a cry and notices it is not William. He opens a door and sees a small white bunny. Elliott pull a small bunny inside of a room, "What are you doing here? That not safe here."

A small bunny whines, "They forgot me when I was in restroom..."

Elliott sighs, "Okay, I can take you to a safe place. I want to you need very quietly. There a bad guy who want kill me and my friend." A small bunny nods and holds Elliott. Elliott lows his body down, "Get on my back. I am giving you piggybacking. I can be running. What your name, boy?"

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