Chapter 22

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           Springtrap, Bonnie, Baron, and Zensho get out of a truck and looking around this place. Zensho shakes a chill off and says, "Here is so creep..." This place has many weeds throughout cracked road, many trash, and deadly trees. The two building are destroyed and almost collapse. Another building is destroyed but not collapsing. Zensho points to a building and says, "That one because it does not collapse yet."

Springtrap says, "You are right. I noticed that two buildings are almost collapsing." Springtrap walking to open a trunk and looking until he found some guns. Springtrap says, "Do you know how to use the guns?" The brothers nodding and take the guns from Springtrap. Springtrap says, "Just wait for seeing if we found Dad. We are not sure what happens or what going on." They brothers nodding once times before following Springtrap who guard up with a gun. Springtrap opens a door slowly and listening but nothing but a noise from a door. Springtrap looks back at the brothers and nods before he gets enters a building. The brothers walking slowly and listening any noises. They notice the few doors in a hall and take look around.

Bonnie says, "Springtrap, you can stand front and I open if you see the thing that rooms." Springtrap nods and lifts his gun up to point at a door. Bonnie take knob to open it. Springtrap and Bonnie are nods as Bonnie open quick and let Springtrap enter to look around a room. It is empty, Springtrap sighs and looks back.

Springtrap says, "It is empty. Ok, be careful." The brothers nod and walking to other doors as they checking all rooms, they are empty. Springtrap says, "Okay, need to go to stairs." They walking to the stairs. They notice the stairs are destroyed and nearly collapsing.

Zensho says, "I guess, one of us to go up then next one by one. I am worrying if we go there same time, it will collapse."

Springtrap says, "Okay, I will be first." Springtrap steps in slowly and makes sure not collapse down. He arrives at 2nd floor and knocking down. The brothers hear and look around before nods. Zensho is second then Baron is third, and last Bonnie. Springtrap says, "I hope found other way, not this way..." They walking and look at the rooms with carefully until last room. They are hoping it is dad. They open a door of last room. They saw and grasp as they saw their father and mother who passed out.

Zensho says, "Dad! Mom!" Zensho and Baron walking to them.

Springtrap noticed a thing in a counter of his eyes and shouts, "LOOK OUT!" Suddenly a noise like a shoot as loud.


Koshi and sisters are worrying and thinking. Koshi sighs and says, "If Dad wished, then we have to accept it. Our chances to save you, Bonbon... I am not sure, Dad want to stay alive but he wants to see Mom last time..."

Kumori says, "True... Dad is gone and Bonbon will quick healing and better. I know you like Bonnie."

Bonbon nods and says, "He want me to keep alive for my future."

Boo Boo chuckles and says, "You will get family in future." Bonbon blushing and take cover a blanket. Boo Boo laughs and says, "Well, same for us. I kinda like that Zensho..."

Kumori says, "Hey! I like Baron! Baron is Famously doctor of surgery!"

Koshi laughs and says, "That odd. We as sisters like the boys as brothers."

Bonbon nods and says, "Well, our mom and dad are friends with their mom and dad a few years ago. Well, same our friends' parents. I can't believe that Dad, Rocky, Maxie, and Jayce are alive. Others are gone... I am worrying that someone who killing parents..."

Elliott walking enter a room and says, "So, what are you thinking about I said?"

Koshi says, "Yes, we have accepted it. We know you want to save Bonbon before her heart stops."

(BonnieXBonbon) We will always there for you to fight illnessWhere stories live. Discover now