Chapter 7

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On Sunday, Freddy's restaurant closed for let workers rest and doing their fun or others. Freddy writing his paperwork from his restaurant at his office of his home as this is morning. He checks and writing as what need more foods and fix anywhere at his restaurant. He hears his door opens and turns look it as it is Foxy. Foxy says his accent like pirate "Avast, Cap'n? We be boredom right now. Can we go backyard fer fun?"

Freddy says "Oh course on; you can go. I will join after I do my paperwork." Foxy is nodding with tell 'aye' and leave Freddy's room to closes a door. Freddy is back to work.

Foxy is walking to the living room as he sees Chica, Teo, Mary, Fredrick, Chichi, Mangle, Felicia, and Mari are sitting and talking while Bonbon is listening to them, but they are boredom. Foxy says "Freddy say aye we be go backyard. Did ye have any swimsuits? Freddy already has a huge pool. Also, Freddy will join us aft he be to finish his paperwork."

Mangle say "Wait. Is Freddy have a huge pool?! Why don't tell us about that..." she glares at Foxy who is nervous.

Chica says "Well, we are already forgotten about that because we are many busy to doing at that restaurant... So ready to go?"

Mary say "But about Bonbon? Is she can go there?"

Fredrick says "We can watch her or stay her when she need help. Right?" He asks Bonbon as Bonbon nodding.

Teo says "also, Freddy has a huge backyard as he has volleyball court with sand, basketball court, and soccer net. Matter He has many things in a yard. We can play with them." Fredrick, Chichi, Mangle, and Mari drop their jaws down. Felicia giggles and Bonbon is confused about this.

Mari says "Wow, that lot thing that Freddy bought anything. So I think better to go change into swimsuits." They are nodding and going to their rooms.

Bonbon is walking down to her room, but she hears open a door as she looks at it as she sees Bonnie who sleepy. Bonnie yawns and says "What are you doing?" Bonbon is not said a thing and walking to enter her room. A few seconds later, she is out of her room with her swimsuit. Bonnie is nervous and says "Want help to cha-" he is cut out by Mangle who runs to arrive a basement as she wears her swimsuit.

Mangle say without notice Bonnie"Let me help you, Bo-" she notices him and smirking with say "So you can help her to change her swimsuit. I can leave you alone."

She is around leaves, but she is stopped by Bonnie who is blushing and say "No, you can. I am going to sleep. That my job is annoying and noises by any patients... Also, I don't sleep so much while I watched Bonbon." He is going bed to sleep.

Mangle laughs and say "Alright, let's go" Bonbon is blushing and nodding as she follows Mangle to her room. Mangle helping her with change her swimsuit. They are done and leave room to upstairs. They meet their friends who already done change to swimsuits.

Foxy notices them and say "Alright, let be go" They are walking to outside as they can see a huge pool, sports courts, and many toys for fun. Few friends run to jumping into a pool. Foxy laughs and say "yarr, be ye ready get in a pool, Bonbon?" Bonbon is nodding and watch Foxy walking to get air tube and bring it to her. Foxy says "It be helpful fer ye if ye want." Bonbon smiles and takes it to on her. Foxy is helping her to get into a pool. Foxy is done helping and walking to get toys. He throws them to in a pool and jumps into a pool. They are playing around in a pool. Bonbon watches with smiles and relaxes on air tube.

Freddy is writing last one of his paperwork and put them away in his case. He leans his chair and sighs. He murmurs "This is so hell work" he is some rest few minutes until he hears a door is open and looks at a door. He notices it is Bonnie and says "What's it?"

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