Chapter 9

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         Maxie was watch his two sons as gold 1 ½ years son, Springtrap and 11 month son, Bonnie. Springtrap wore a costume like police. Springtrap said, "Me am cop! Me will put ya down, bad man!" Springtrap was playing with toy yellow gun to point at Bonnie who clewed his pacifier and ignored his older brother. Springtrap shouted "ya can not ignored me! If ya run away from me, me crew will look for ya!" Springtrap was around attacked him but he was stopped by Maxie.

Maxie sighs and said, "Bonnie is not old enough for playing like this. You need wait for he get old like your. I don't want to you hurt him. Understand?" Springtrap sighs and nodded. Maxie said, "So, are you hungry? I can get thing to you eat."

Springtrap said, "About Ma?"

Maxie said, "Ma is busy with her job in trip. I am sure she will back home in four days." Maxie picked Bonnie up and walking to kitchen. Springtrap nodded and followed Maxie. Maxie put Bonnie on highchair. Maxie did same on Springtrap. Maxie looked foods as found some fruits. He grabbed them to cut them in smaller for Bonnie can eat and medium for Springtrap. Maxie gave cut fruits to the sons.

Springtrap smiled and ate them. Bonnie was started to pick it up to ate it. Maxie was smiled at them. He heard bell ringing from a door. Maxie was walked to a door and opened as he got greeted punch on his arm. Maxie noticed a blue and white with many gold marks rabbit with two small bunnies. A rabbit said, "Hey, Max! It so long time to see you again!"

Maxie blinked and said, "Elliott? How you find us? Why are you here?"

Elliott pouted at him and said, "That rude greet! That sound like don't care!"

Maxie sighs and thought 'That rabbit never changed like really annoying ass but he is like close my brother when we are kids.' He said, "Okay, sorry about rude greet but I want know how you find us and why are you here?"

Elliott sighs and said, "Well, that secret. I want to see you again, bro. Oh, I want you meet my new daughter!" He showed his blue and white daughter to Maxie.

Maxie noticed and said, "She is look almost same you but no gold marks. That is so odd like your daughter Koshi is gold bunny... What her name?"

Elliott shrugged and said, "Unknown. Her name is Bonbon. She is so sweetest girl! She has..." Elliott was stopped talking and worried. Maxie confused about that. Elliott noticed and said, "Never mind. Can you let us inside?" Maxie was won't buy that, as he knew what wrong with Bonbon but he won't ask Elliott about it. Maxie nodded and let them inside.

Maxie asked, "Where Kimkio is?"

Elliott said, "She is busy with her job in trip. I don't know when she is coming home. Where your son Springtrap?"

Suddenly, Maxie was forgot to tell him about his new son, Bonnie. Maxie said, "They are eating snacks. Let's me check them, if they are done to eat then bring them to here. Okay?"

Elliott nodded and watch Maxie walking to his kitchen. Elliott was quick noticed and thought 'Wait. Did Maxie said they? That mean he had new kid.' Elliott put Bonbon on floor with many toys. Bonbon don't want play but want to sleep. Elliott was smiled with sadly and watch Koshi was tried playing toys with Bonbon but Bonbon won't playing. Elliott heard footsteps and look at where that from as he noticed that the small gold bunny, Springtrap. Elliott was smiled and said "Hello, Springtrap."

Springtrap stared at Elliott until he noticed a small gold bunny who tried playing with a blue and white bunny. Springtrap shouts "Me will catch ya, bad girls! Me am a cop!" Elliott bursted laughs out about what Springtrap said. Koshi snarled at Springtrap who was surprised as Koshi was protected Bonbon from Springtrap.

(BonnieXBonbon) We will always there for you to fight illnessWhere stories live. Discover now