Chapter 2

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           Fredrick is working at BWW as he is very busying. He has last day of his shift for his friends, adopted sister, and he moves to live new house with his twin brother and his friends. His boss and co-workers already know his reason because of his stepfather, Joe. His boss is walking to Fredrick and say "Thank you for your help to work here. I am glad to assist you with planning move to a different place from Joe. Maybe I ask you?"

Fredrick says "Welcome, Sir and thank you for letting me work my age 16 after someone killed my mom and Joe was changed, person. Bonbon and I had a terrible time with him. Also, I am glad you let me leave early for Bonbon before Joe will doing bad to her. Yes, you can ask."

His boss says "How Bonbon is? I know she is too scared to Joe. I am happy for her about you always stay her side when Joe was there."

Fredrick sighs and says "Unknown. She used to rarely talking, but she was completely muted after Joe was changed. She is okay but still scared and alone at home. She will be happy about we move out with my friends. Joe doesn't know we will move into out."

His boss says "Good. So you can go home now. I will get a check to you for you work lot busy. You can go change." He leaves to his officer. Fredrick is surprised and walking to employee room for change. He is done change and texting to Bonbon that he leave work by his boss sent and give him check. He is walking out of a room and to the office. His boss is out of a room and notices Fredrick who is walking to him. He gives a check to Fredrick. Fredrick looks it, and shock says "That lot money as $200,000..."

His boss smiles and says "Yes, I heard your mother was killed, and you appeared here. I knew that as I decided to some money to save them in 8 years to help you and your sister. Maybe there a chance for your sister will be better. Don't worry about it; you are lucky as I am very nicely boss."

Fredrick got shocked and hugged him. His boss still smiling and hugging him back. They have let hug go. Fredrick says "Thank you so much. I hope I will see you anytime if I can. I am sure you have my phone number. So Good bye and Thanks again." He leaves to his big truck and into it. Before the drive, he checks his phone as he read caller ID who texts it is Mari and open message to read 'Sorry, I am slow to pack my stuff but finally done packing to ready go.' He sighs and typing to sents test to Mari 'That good. My boss does me work sent me home. That great of him, he gave me check '$200,000 to help Bonbon and me.'

He arrives home and enters a house. He is walking to his room and enters his room as he notices Bonbon is not there. He is getting confused, walking around look and calling her. He hears a thing move and walking to it. He sees Bonbon there as she is pack stuff to almost done pack. Bonbon hears someone walking and freak out look as she is thought it is Joe. She looks at someone as she notices it is Fredrick. Fredrick is calm her down and say "That okay, just is me. I know you are scared. Sorry." Bonbon sigh and sit down to pack stuff. Fredrick says "I am getting boxes to my truck. Only the beds, dressers, desks, appliances, and other big things will in service moving the truck with our friends' stuff. If my truck is full, then ask our friends to fill their big trucks." Bonbon turn looks at him and nodding. Fredrick is taking boxes to a truck. He remembers we pack anything in boxes and one room to locked door that Joe can't enter and mess things. Fredrick and Bonbon are busying until Bonbon needs rest and going to the room. Fredrick notices and says "let me collect all things. You can rest all you need." Bonbon is nodding and walking to her room. Fredrick sigh and checking his phone, he notices four messages from his friends. They are done with boxes in their trucks as that still more room. He is typing them that he has full in his truck as possible they can come here to get Fredrick and Bonbon's boxes. He checks the time as it is 7:35 pm that Joe won't be home until 11 pm. He and his friends have time to get boxes. He is waiting for his friends and watches TV while Bonbon is sleep after she used medicines for help her with her illness. He hears honks and walking to out of a house to see his friends are here. He smiles and says "Hey guys. We have time for getting our boxes to your truck. Ready?" His friends are nodding and follow him to get boxes. They are carrying boxes to their trucks until all boxes are gone. Fredrick check time as it is 9 pm. He says "Ok, it is 9 pm as I have two hours more that Joe will be home from a bar."

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