Chapter 15

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 Springtrap is deep thinking after he talked Baron what happen to Bonbon. Theo is quiet and driving. Koshi and her sisters are sleeping. Theo says, "When you tell them about Bonbon?"

Springtrap sighs and says, "When they wake up, I hope they are not mad at Bonnie..."

Theo nods and asks, "Is he still marrying to Amy?"

Springtrap shakes his head and says, "No, he dropped it. I think he takes Bonbon over Amy... I saw they are more closing than Amy. I guess I have joked at Bonnie about they will liking around as turn is true... I think need shut my mouth up..."

Theo snickers at him about that. Theo says, "That such idiot of you, but you and Koshi will liking around too."

Springtrap is blushing and snapping, "Oh shut up! I don't think that Koshi feels way! Are you forget about she was slave sex as what chief said!?"

Theo says, "Oh yeah... sorry, but she is happy to see you..."

Springtrap sighs and says, "Yes, just childhood friend or best friend..."

Theo sighs and driving as they are quiet around. They don't know that Koshi is wake up and listen what they say. She thought, 'he is sound sad as he thought I am his friend. Must he likes me but he is worried about my feeling after I was slave sex... Did happen between two Bonnie and Amy? Did Bonnie like my sister, Bonbon? I think they are cute couple... I need thinking about how my feeling to my best friend, Springtrap...'


Freddy walking and talking with a customer about stuff. He says, "I understand." A Customer wave 'bye' before leaving. Freddy take look a room as no customers and his ringing phone as he looks it. It is Baron. Freddy answer it to says, "Hello, Baron. How is Bonbon?"

Baron says, "Yes, she is doing well. Listen, please don't mad at my older brother, Bonnie. I know he did talking you but he did not tell you about Bonbon's illness."

Freddy sighs and says, "Okay, I listen..."

Baron take breathe in and says, "Springtrap informs me that Koshi told him about Bonbon's illness is heart disease. It is very rare kind of diseases."

Freddy says, "Oh I see... is it very bad? Can be died?"

Baron says, "Yes. It can. My nurses, doctors and brother, Bonnie watch her for now when I am going to call a hospital like that where Bonbon went there when she was a kid."

Freddy says, "Okay, I understand. How to treat it?"

Baron sighs and says, "That hard to treatment but only one way is change with new a heart."

Freddy says, "Oh, that hard... I want to know what happens after Amy did to Bonbon?"

Baron thinking, sighs and says, "Well, Amy pushed Bonbon's chest where her heart is, her heart pressing on her lungs as very hard. One of her lungs had open and filled with blood. I did get blood out from a hole with a tube to drain into a bag. I put an oxygen mask on her, also IV and machine on her for keeping her living including transforming blood too."

Freddy is very worrying for her and says, "Thanks for telling me."

Baron nods and says, "Your welcome. Don't make Bonnie leave her because Bonbon wanted to him stay with her. She said that she feels safe when he was there. Okay?"

Freddy says, "I understand." He hangs on and sighs to look around if any customers are here, no. He calling, "Hey, Guys. Come here, about Bonbon!"

His brother and friends walking to Freddy and worrying. Fredrick says, "Is she okay?"

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