Chapter 1

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    The brown-orange bear was a waiter at Buffalo Wild Wing as he need get more money. He has the terrible time with his stepfather's behavior. He was lost his mother who murders by unknown in mysterious by his age 16 and his older brother already leave them to anywhere that Fredrick was not known. Fredrick will leave very soon with his adopted sister, but he never knew what kind of Bonbon's illness as his mother and stepfather forgot to tell. Fredrick is walking to table and waiting for his customers' order with pen and note. His customers are telling him what they want as he is nodding and writing the notes until done order then goes to the kitchen. Fredrick is entering and give a note to a chief and leaving to another table. He is writing a note, walk to the kitchen, give a note to a chief and taking foods to table until he was checking time. '9:45' He thinking 'Better get ready to leave, I need to go to care Bonbon before Joe coming back home from a bar. I don't want Joe will doing bad to Bonbon because she is the sickness. I don't know what kind her illness as Mom and Joe planned to explain Fred and me when our ages older enough but mom was killed and Joe was become completely changed the bad person. Fred already leaves by his age 18 without saying goodbyes to Bonbon or me. Bonbon is scared of Joe now. I know she wants me to stay her side when Joe anywhere at home. Bonbon used to rarely talking, but now she stops and completely muted after Joe was changed. Ok, it is 9:50.'

He is entering employee room and changed clothes and get ready. He is getting his phone and typing text to Bonbon that he is leaving his work now. Fredrick is walking out of the room as he is getting greet by co-workers and boss. He is walking to his big truck and into it. Fredrick is starting his big truck running and driving to home while Fredrick is changing ratio until finding one and leave it. He is quiet and listens to the radio as the song until arriving back and out of his big truck. He is walking to home and open and close a door. He is walking to his room with Bonbon. Last time she moved to his room after Joe was changed. He decided to get anything they need from the small table, two chairs, large tv with game videos, Blu-ray player, and cable, two desks, two beds, small refrigerator, small oven, microwave, toaster, dishes and CD player in his huge room almost like the apartment. He decided to keep them inside his room and lock door that not let Joe enter but keep banged door. That reason CD player in his room for calm Bonbon down as she can't hear any from Joe. He is entering his room and sees Bonbon is still sleeping. He is going to check any foods or drinks if need more as he is writing a note down and leave his room and home. He is walking to his big truck and drive to store and collect any foods and drinks. He is walking around the store until he is noticed ice cream as he saw ice cream flavor carrot is new as he takes it. He knows that Bonbon always loves her favor of any ice cream or juice with a carrot. He already has few carrot juices in a cart. He is walking to check out and pay them. He is walking to his big truck, took bags to in his truck, put the cart away and in his vehicle to drive back home. He checks his clock as he noticed that around 15 minutes as Joe would be home. He arrives home and takes all bags, walking to in the home and his room and lock door quick. He is walking to a refrigerator to put all foods and drinks away. He turns to look at Bonbon as she is up and rubbing her eyes. He is walking to her with new flavor ice cream and use it to Bonbon faces. Bonbon startling and look it as she notices favor of ice cream. Suddenly she takes it and eats as she is very enjoying with it. Fredrick chuckles at her and set CD player starting songs. He is sitting down and turn a tv is on. He says "Bonbon; We will leave any days. I will leave my job on Sunday. I am already getting much money to move out of here quickly. Chichi, Mangle, Mari, and Felicia will come with us. I will call service moving the truck that we need for our things."

Bonbon stops eating and looks him. Fredrick is smiling sadness and say "Mom or Joe were not tell me what kind of your illness. I know you are not much talking since you got muted by Joe unnatural acts. If any chance you can talk as u can tell me?"

Bonbon shakes her head and her ears down. Fredrick sighs and says "Don't have to." Bonbon looks at him and shows him as her hands on her chest. Fredrick confused and said "pain chest?" Bonbon shakes her head and poking her chest once time. Fredrick confused again and say "pain lungs?" Bonbon sigh and shakes her head again. Fredrick is rubbing his back neck and say "Sorry, Bonbon. I tried to figure it." They are startled by banging on the door. Fredrick sigh and turn volume up as they can't hear any hits but songs. Fredrick turn look Bonbon and notice Bonbon's body shaking as he knows she is scared. Fredrick is walking and sitting next Bonbon to hug her. Fredrick says "That okay, Bonbon. I am here." He rubbing abound Bonbon's back. He moves his face to Bonbon's side head and tight hugging. He is unfortunate for her. He takes a spoon and scoops ice cream to move near Bonbon'a face. Bonbon is open her eyes and notice spoon with ice cream. She takes it and eats. Fredrick smiles and says "I know where we go to live. I was found out on my Facebook. I can't believe that I found my twin brother. He said he has more room at his mansion as same this home. So he said we can live there. Also, he has five friends who live with my twin brother. I already talked him, he told me his four friends, and he works only days, but one of his friends work only nights. That will help for a watch you or you need the thing. Just me, our friends, my twin brother, and his four friends will work days. Our friends and I will work at my twin brother's restaurant. He owns his restaurant. So one of his friends works night at his friend's brother own hospital as he is security almost like a cop. Their lives are pretty far there."

Bonbon turn looks at Fredrick and eating ice cream. Fredrick chuckles and says "Don't worry about it. I am good to awake all times. Mangle and Mari, too. Oh, I won't forget that mom's promise to search your sisters for you. Our friends, my twin brother, his friends, you and I will search them." He watches Bonbon who happy about finding her sisters. Suddenly Bonbon hugs him and not let him go. Fredrick smiles and hugs her. They are watch tv, movies, and listening songs. Fredrick cooking dinner for Bonbon and him. They are eating dinner. Fredrick's phone rings and rings. Fredrick gets it and checks caller ID to noticed it is Mari. He answers a phone with loud speaker for allow Bonbon listen. Fredrick says "Hello Mari. What you need?"

Voice of female speaking "Hey! It is Mangle! I am with Mari now. Also, I let you know, I already pack anything I need. I can't wait to move new home with you and others! Chichi is almost done pack. Mari is slow to load. That why Chichi and I help idiot Mari packing thing. I don't hear anything from Felicia, but I do believe she done pack. So about you, guys?"

Fredrick is rolling his eyes after she said 'idiot Mari' and said "lot busy do. Bonbon wants all stuff of family's who left. I am respectful to her. Almost all of them including mine."

Mangle say "Good! When will you leave your job and move to a new home with your twin brother and his friends?"

Fredrick says "I will leave Job on Sunday. I am sure Monday or Tuesday we leave."

Mangle say "perfect! I wonder your brother's friends look like?"

Fredrick shrugs and says "Unknown. He did not tell me. So look time, I need sleep."

Mangle around say but cut her out by bangs so loudly from a door. Mangle say sound worry "Are you okay? Is Joe drunk? I am felt bad for you, my best friends... um, how Bonbon is?"

Fredrick doesn't respond to her but calm Bonbon down and hugs her. He says "Yes, he is. Bonbon is still scared of Joe. I promise Bonbon to get her out of here more calm her down. I don't know kind her illness yet."

Mangle say "Oh ok. We will figure out what kind of her illness. So I got to go, bye!"

Mangle hang up a phone. Fredrick gets Bonbon to her bed. He gets a blanket to cover Bonbon and around leaves, but Bonbon stops him. He looks her as Bonbon is still scared. Fredrick sighs and smiles to sitting Bonbon's bed and lay down on it. He takes a blanket to cover himself and cuddles with Bonbon. Fredrick said "Feel better? Don't worry I will protect you from Joe."

Bonbon cuddles Fredrick and sleeping with him with more safely. Fredrick watches her and slowly to sleep with her. He has to care and protect her from any harm.

I fixed my many mistakes in my stories.

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