Chapter 18

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A few years ago

Springtrap and his brothers walked on the street as they went to school this morning. Springtrap said, "Bonnie. I know you were hurting but you need to stay with us. That stupid bullies can't beat me. I am smart and strong."

Bonnie sighed and said, "I know but I am not strong like your..."

Baron said, "Yeah if the bullies hurt you then report that to the teachers."

Bonnie said, "They already know. They did talking to the bullies' parents but the parents won't believe that. They are so blinded..."

They heard a voice, "Hehe. Our moms and dads believing us, not the teachers, you crying baby! Haha!"

They growled at one of the bullies, as Springtrap said, "Oh yeah? You can't beat me, you are so weak! No ones hurt my brothers!"

An another one of bullies said, "Shit, that monster... Get out of here!"

The bullies ran away from them. Springtrap ignored it and said, "See, they are cowards. Let's go. We are late for class. Come on!" Springtrap and his brothers ran to a school.

School is finished as all students ran to buses or met friends or practice sports. Bonnie sighed and looked for Springtrap and young brothers. He thought 'Where they are? They suppose to be here. I hope any bullies not notices this..." he looked and scare as he noticed a group of bullies. He was looked for hid from that bullies but he fails.

One of the bullies said, "Hey! That crying baby is alone now! Let's fun!" The bullies walked to Bonnie who scares and shaken up. Another one of bullies said, "Haha he is scared now. Get him!" They started to run into him. They started beaten him as they punches and kicks on him. Bonnie was crying and shield himself.

He felt inside like sadness, hurt, and very angry. More very angry. He screamed in very angry as his eyes turned to black with white pupils. He laughed in evil and said, "Let's fun with you, you little shit!" He roared and punch in so powerful on one of the bullies to flied into a wall. The bullies were shock and scared. They watch Bonnie got up in slowly and looked up at them.

An another one yelled, "That Black eyes!? Get of here!" But he was caught by Bonnie.

Bonnie said, "Already left? No fun... be DEAD!" He around killed him but he was stopped by his brothers.

Springtrap yelled, "Stop! Calm down!"

Zensho was scared and said, "Did he has black eyes? That never I see before..."


The bullies ran in panicked. The teachers heard that and ran as they were shocked when they saw Bonnie had black eyes. One of the teachers yelled, "That black eyes are dangerous! How he get that!? Need to calm him down now! The teachers and brothers tried to calm him down.

In a few minutes later

Finally, Bonnie was calm and cried. Springtrap and brothers stayed Bonnie's side and waited for mom and dad as one of a teacher called their parent. They heard a voice, "Are you okay?!" They looked up as they noticed it is their mother, Jayce.

Bonnie got up and ran into Jayce. He cried and hugged in tight with Jayce. He yelled, "I am scared! I am scared!"

Jayce rubbed on Bonnie's back and said, "I know... I got a call about happen... I can't believe that... I don't choose to you can quit a school to stay home if you like... I will figure out how to get you calm in angry..." Bonnie nodded and still cried. But Jayce and Maxie can't find how to calm him down.

(BonnieXBonbon) We will always there for you to fight illnessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن