Chapter 3

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              Fredrick is driving his truck with Bonbon who is sleeping with shorts breathing. Fredrick is wondering about her breathing always short. He is thinking, 'I am not sure it is lungs, but she said no. I will figure out that or ask brother's friend about that with his friend's brother. I heard from his brother say, his friend's brother owns a hospital. I hope they will help her anytime." He is driving his truck until his phone rings with connection his truck. He is pressing a button on a wheel of his truck to answering it. He says "hello? Please quiet because Bonbon is sleeping."

Mari say sound very tired "Can stop place to rest? I am pretty tired by now."

Fredrick says "Okay, we will stop there. Can you hold bit long?"

Mari says "Yes I can keep it... 'yawn' Sorry."

Fredrick chuckles and says "That okay. Let me see if we find a place to rest." He looks at Bonbon who is still sleeping and same breathing shorts. He says "Bonbon is not okay now, she is a hard time with her breathing. She needs more comfort in my truck. I need few blankets and pillows from Mangle's truck to more comfort for her. I will do it tomorrow morning. Ha, we are here. Let get off this highway." He is move left his truck to off a highway. He says "we will talk about this. Let me look for a motel."

Mari says "Okay, see you at a motel." Fredrick hears Mari hang up a phone and looking anywhere to find motel until he finds this place. He drives to motel and park area with his friends. He turns to look at Bonbon, and very soft shakes her to wake up.

Fredrick says quiet "Hey, Bonbon. We are here at the motel." He is watching Bonbon waking up and rubbing one of her eyes. Finally, Bonbon is wakeful and look at Fredrick to a motel. He says "I will make more comfort in my truck for you tomorrow morning. I will grab some the blankets and pillows from Mangle's truck. Okay?" Bonbon turn looks at him and nodding. Fredrick smiles and gets out of his truck. Bonbon does same of him. He says "So, let get a couple the rooms for us." Mari, Chichi, Mangle, Felicia, and Bonbon nodding to follow Fredrick. They enter an office and wait for someone who works. A male human walking to them and say "how many rooms you need?"

Fredrick says "two rooms, please. Just one night that all."

A male human says "Okay, it is $25." Fredrick takes his wallet to get $25 to a male person. A male human nodding and walking to put money in the cashier and get two keys then give two keys to Fredrick. Fredrick thanks him and leave with his friends. He read tag '5' and '6' and walking to 5th and 6th rooms. They are walking to find rooms. Fredrick unlocks 5th room to enter.

Fredrick say "Okay, which will roommates if you like?"

Mangle say "I know Bonbon want you, that fine for me. Just me, Chichi and Felicia in one room. Idiot-tired Mari will be a roommate with you and Bonbon."

Fredrick is nodding and give the 6th key to Mangle. He watches girls leave to 6th room. He sighs and looks Mari who collapses on a bed with very tired. He hears another door as he turns look noise from a door as Mangle open a door and waves her hand to Fredrick. Fredrick says "Oh that can connect two rooms then you can leave open a door but unless only girls changes then close door. Bonbon, ahead to change with girls. When you did change then come here, Okay?" Bonbon is nodding and walking to 6th room with girls. Mangle closed door.

Chichi is already naked while she uses a shower and out of a bathroom. She says "I forget about my PJs in my suitcase." Mangle and Felicia are giggling at her. Bonbon is very quiet and doesn't say anything. She is sitting on a bed and waiting. Chichi take shirt, underwear, and short pants to get on her. She looks at Bonbon and smiles. She is walking to Bonbon's suitcase and open it to look PJs for Bonbon. She finds them and walking to her. She says "Mangle will help you to bath or shower either. Fredrick told me that you can't do yourself as he always called Mangle to come and help you. I will put your clothes on a counter when you were done." As she is going to put PJs on a counter. Bonbon follows her with nodding and waiting for Mangle at a bathroom.

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