Chocolate "spiL"

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I approached Jimin hesitantly, my footsteps lightly walking towards him.

"Jimin?" Jimin looked up with a surprised face.

"Seo Rin?" I smiled at him genuinely, and sat beside him under the tree in the dim light.

"Look Jimin, I'm sorry for treating you like that. I didn't realize your feelings till now. I'm glad you told everything to me honestly." I smiled and he smiled back to me.

"And.. I was worried what people would think, but I have to admit that I.. started liking you too." I felt myself blush as I said those embarrassing words.

"I like you, Seo Rin." Jimin said smiling.

"Me too." I said honestly.

I was really glad that we both liked each other. I don't care anymore. What's important is that he's a human, and I love him twice as much.

Jimin suddenly looked into my eyes, as he suddenly leaned in towards me.

Is he going to kiss me? I'm not ready!

I suddenly closed my eyes, and slowly felt soft lips onto mine. The kiss tasted sweet like chocolate. It was probably the chocolate ice cream Jimin ate awhile ago.

Then, he slowly pulled apart, and I opened my eyes with a smile on my face.

"Where did you learn that?" I asked him embarrassed.

"That? I always kiss you when I was a dog." He smiled.

We both started laughing, and decided to go home. While walking, we talked about many things which brought a lot of smiles to our faces.

I was cooking pasta for dinner while reminiscing the scene earlier.

That was my first kiss. I thought.

I was wondering where Jimin had learned how to kiss like that. It was like he was experienced.

I looked over to the couch where Jimin was, but he was nowhere to be seen. I frantically looked everywhere, until I saw him standing right beside me to my left which surprised me.

"Hi~" Jimin said cutely.

I chuckled at him and went back to cooking.

We sat down onto the table and ate the pasta I made for dinner.

I looked at Jimin, but I suddenly got shy because of what happened earlier. I ended up eating with my head down the whole dinner time.

After dinner, I told Jimin that I was going to go and wash up.

While washing my face, I thought about Jimin, Jimin, Jimin. He was filled in my thoughts all day.

I scrubbed and scrubbed my face, then washed all the soap away.

"Oh my gosh!" I screamed.

As I looked up, I saw Jimin reflecting through the mirror.
Jimin also had a surprised face, but then laughed after.

"Don't scare me like that." I told him.

Jimin leaned towards me and gave me a peck on my cheek.

"I'll always protect you no matter what." I heard sincerity through his voice while he said those words to me.

I didn't know what to say, and I ended up just smiling at him.

I could still taste the chocolate on my lips even after I brushed my teeth.

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