After School

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Jimin and I decided to stalk Jungkook after school. I couldn't stop thinking about whether Jungkook was really a human or if he was the same as Jimin who was once an animal that turns into a human.

I quickly grabbed my jacket and some books from my locker and headed to Jimin's locker. I spotted him and gestured to go. He nodded and we bought walked out of the school to follow Jungkook who was happily talking to his friends by the stairs.

"Let's do this!" I whispered to Jimin while we both hid behind the main entrance of the school.

After 5 minutes, Jungkook waved goodbye to his friends and started walking on the sidewalk, probably on his way home.

Jimin and I started to quietly walk at a good distance to avoid suspiciousness from Jungkook, which suprisingly works.

"Hey, I don't know if this is a good idea after all." Jimin said regretting his actions.

"Just follow me, it'll be fine." I assured him and patted his back.

The sun was starting to set, but there was still light since we could see what Jungkook was doing. Finally we reached his house that looked small and had a vintage vibe. Jungkook was trying to fit his keys into the key hole of the door to enter his home.

We stood at a very far distance from Jungkook's house to make sure he doesn't see us at all.

As soon as Jungkook entered his house, Jimin and I inched closer to the front of his house to observe.

"That's it. He just went home. It's time for us to go home too then." Jimin shrugged and grabbed my hand to follow him.

All of a sudden a loud bark echoed through our ears that both startled us with fright.

"Jimin, let's peek a little closer." I told him while walking quietly towards Jungkook's backyard.

"Seo Rin, let's go home. I don't feel good being in this place. We shouldn't be here. I shouldn't have agreed with coming here."

"Jimin, we're already here. We can't back out now. It'll be quick. Come on!"

Jimin followed behind me, but soon took the lead when we reached the backyard.

We noticed Jungkook's back who was sitting on the ground. Luckily there was a bright lamp in his backyard because the sun was no longer to be seen. It looked like there was a metal cage in front of Jungkook, but none of us could see what was inside the cage.

I gulped as I watched Jungkook petting a furry creature in the cage.

Jimin on the other hand held my hand with a protective look on his face. He looked like he was ready to fight whatever was in the cage.

"Hey how are you? Are you doing good in there? A few more days. Wait for a few more days okay?" Jungkook softly spoke.

When Jungkook shifted to the right, both Jimin and I could see a grey and white animal with large canine teeth and a stern gaze, that is most known as a predator that lived in the wild. It was a wolf.

Jimin and I looked at each other with a jaw dropping expression. We couldn't believe that Jungkook was taking care of a wolf.

All of a sudden the wolf started growling and snarling.

"It's okay, it's okay. It's just me here. You've been quite agitated and restless these days." Jungkook tried to calm down the wolf.

I could notice that Jungkook and the wolf had a connection because no matter how many times he tried to calm down the wolf, it didn't bite him at all.

I started backing up quietly because I was so scared at the scene I witnessed. I thought of the possibilities that could happen if we didn't leave as soon as possible. As I was backing up, little did I notice a can that I accidentally stepped on that made the loudest crunch that Jimin's head turned towards me and in a flash.

"Who's there?" Jungkook yelled.

We weren't quick enough to leave immediately because he found Jimin and I who stared at him, frozen in shock.

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