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I was getting ready to go to school, when I looked at the time and realized I was going to be late.

Jimin and I didn't talk much after the dramatic conversation yesterday. We both just decided to go to sleep since it had been a long day.

I guess Jungkook went home too since I didn't hear any knocking or demands after the slamming of the door.

Jimin was still sleeping, still cuddling a pillow around his arms.

I smiled and slowly closed the door to avoid waking him up.

I was walking in the hallway on my way to class when Jungkook suddenly stopped in front of me.

"Hi, Jungkook." I hesitantly laughed.

"What happened last night? That was rude, just slamming the door in front of me." He had a frown on his face, while he crossed his arms.

"Sorry about Jimin. We can get your phone later to make up for it." I gave him an apologetic look.

He stared at me until he nodded.

"But, what's his name? Oh yeah Jimin, is he your brother?" Jungkook asked.

"What?! No he's my pe-" I was about to say "my pet, dog." But I'm glad I quickly replaced it with,
"He's my precious boyfriend."

I knew I should have said that "he's my boyfriend," as soon as he asked me. But I was thinking about how adorable Jimin was sleeping earlier, and reminded me of how he slept when he was in his dog form.

"Ohh" was all Jungkook said, and I had to breath a sigh of relief.

"Anyway, I'm going to my locker. I'll meet you in class." I changed the subject and waved at Jungkook.

He waved back and headed to class first.

I was gathering the things I needed for class when all of a sudden I hear loud whispers of excitement from the students around me.

I turned my head towards the whispers that took all of my attention.

At this point, my eyes didn't believe that the person standing from afar,

all the people staring at him because of how he stood out from the crowd, was


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