I got tagged???

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So yeah, I'm pretty new in this whole tagging thing and I don't even know if I have to post it here or create a new book for it, but I'm going to put it here.

So I got tagged by my fellow wattpader (creating new words, don't mind that) xBlooSaber , thank you very much :D, and I'm going to try and do my best here.

1.Favorite Song

My favorite song is ,,Hizamazuke Butadomo Ga" by No Name. If anyone have seen Attack on Titan : Junior high you'll recognize this song.

2.Favorite Sport

Does dancing count as a sport? Cause I love doing that.

3.Favorite Band

I'll have to give my heart to Fall Out Boy. I mean, have you heard Patric's voice??

4.Favorite Show

Well, I really don't watch Tv a lot and I don't know any "realistic" shows, so I have to go with animated.

If anime is considered a Tv show and I could definitely say it's ,,Attack on Titan", but if it's not, then ,,Steven Universe"

5.Favorite Movie

As I said before, I don't watch Tv a lot, so I'm going with the good old original ,,Jurassic Park"

6.Favorite Color

Now this is a tricky question. My favorite colors are white and black (I can never choose one), but technically they're not colors, they're just combined out of different colors. And if that's the case, then my favorite color is green.

7.Favorite food

My favorite food is grilled squid! (poor Squidward D: )

8.Favorite drink

If you get me a minty coffee, I'm all yours.

9.Favorite game

Although a lot of people are going to guess that my fav game is Undertale, it's not (don't get me wrong, I still love that game). My favorite game is Outlast. What can I say, I'm a big fan of horror games.

10.Tag 15 people

Sorry, but I'll have to skip that. All the people that I know or follow had already done this, so I can't tag them. And I don't want to tag completely random people, because there's no fun in that!

So that's all questions answered! Thanks again for xBlooSaber for making me do this (You should check her out) and I hope you learned something about me! Thanks again for reading this book and I hope to see some of you in my next one that I'm still working on.

Deuces ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻 (i know, how original :DD)

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