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"Alright two more days until it starts." Madison says as she gathers all the guns and weapons on the table.

"Chose what you think you work best with." She says.

I looked all around the table seeing guns, knives everything you could ever imagine. I studied all the weapons thinking which one would work best for me.

"Hm you guys go first." I shrugged and took a step back.

Madison grabbed a large knife and a small hand gun. "I'm not very good at fighting with weapons but I am good with my hands." She then stepped aside waiting for Michael to choose his weapons.

He grabbed a sniper and a couple of pocket knives. "We're sharing all of these you know?"

We all nod and looked at him weirdly.

"Good." He said coldly and backed up.

Once everyone chose their weapons, I was left with a bat with barbwire wrapped around it. Almost like Negan's weapon from The Walking dead.

We all nodded in agreement.

"Okay we dont use these until it is the actual day of the Purge." Madison said sternly. "Now, time for the fun part" She smirked.

"Our outfits!" She cheered.

"Alright, lets get to it." I agreed.

We all headed to a room that had different fabrics, material, everything you could ever see to make things.

"Alright we have to make our squad masks unique! So no scary Mickey Mouse shit!" Madison spit.

Everyone in the room just laughed. At this point I just getting annoyed. To be honest we all agreed and made a pledge not to go turbo on each other but I feel like I might have to go turbo on Madison.

I rolled my eyes and answered: "Alright get to the point."

She just laughed and ran her fingers down her long hair.

"I want simple white masks but with a bit of a twist." She said.

She got a plain mask and started decorating it. "Just watch and learn fellas."


She showed us all the masks she prepared for everyone. There was a statue of liberty light up mask, there was another one that said "God" which I thought was kind of weird since she isn't that religious and I bet she just added it to make it look better.

There was a lot and they were scary.

"Surprise!" She squealed and grabbed a mask. She put on the Lady Liberty light up mask and turned it on. "Dope isn't it?"

"Yeah!" A girl cheered and put on one mask.

I quickly grabbed one that caught my eye before anyone else could take it.

Everyone then went over to the table and grabbed their own.

"Now I make the girls costumes and outfits and one of you guys do the guys outfits." She ordered.

"Lets go girls!" She flipped her hair and every girl in the room followed.

All I know is that Madison isn't gonna last a minute out in the night while the Purge is happenin'.


It was going to be a boring chapter anyways so I shortened it up. The next one is gonna get interesting ;)))

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