29. Finale Chapter

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Anwar pointed the gun at me and Zayn. "I'm done with you both." He tried pulling the trigger but it wouldn't load up.

"Fuck me." Anwar whispered and checked the gun for bullets. That was our cue to get up.

Zayn helped me up and grabbed a knife from some random body. He ran to Anwar and kicked him down to the ground and held the knife over him.

"I'm done with you Anwar, I would never wish this for another human being but you're not a human being to me. I hope you rot-"
Before Zayn could finish Anwar spit on Zayn and rolled over making him fall.

"Fucker." Anwar growled and stepped forward but thankfully Zayn was back on his feet in time.

Zayn defended himself and grabbed the knife again.

I quickly ran to help Zayn but Anwar really just wanted a one on one fight so he threw a piece of cement at my broken arm.

He quickly dodged Zayns swing and sped towards me, grabbed me by the throat and held me up.

"I know you can die now Harry!" Anwar yelled as I tried fighting back but of course I was too weak and kept hitting him with my other hand.

He threw me up where the stairs are and kicked me in the stomach making sure I was not getting up. Zayn then grabbed Anwar by the hair and hit his head against the wall.

"Dont touch him again!" Zayn yelled angrily. He kept hitting his head until Anwar had enough.

Anwar pulled out a small knife that he somehow forgot he had and stabbed Zayns leg making him yelp.

Zayn fell right beside me holding his leg and Anwar got up walking dizzly. His head was bleeding tremendously. He slowly made his way to a dead body and searched for something..

"Shit Zayn, he's looking for a gun." I mumble, not being able to see things much longer. "G-get one before he does."

"You're not dying on me are you?" Zayn whispered.

"No, just go... Hurry!" I coughed.

Zayn got up and limped upstairs. I couldn't see anything. Everything was blurry and I knew my eye vision was gonna die out soon.

I then saw Zayns body figure limp down the stairs again holding something much longer.


I grabbed a shot gun from one of the people up on the balcony and saw Anwar had a pistol.

He stepped over Harry and aimed the pistol at him and I quickly aimed the shot gun and shot his leg.

"Shit." I whispered to myself knowing I had to get his leg because if I aimed for his head, it would go through and hit Harry.

Anwar fell on the ground and I quickly ran down and kicked the pistol away from Anwar, ignoring how much pain my leg felt.

It's time to stop procrastinating and get this over with.

"Good bye Anwar." I bit my lip, shaking because this was it. Anwars going to be gone forever.

But as soon as I knew it.

Anwar had an evil smirk on his face. "If I die then we all die." He giggled and pulled out the button we were going to use for the bomb.

My heart fell to my stomach. "Sh-shit how did you g-get that?" I studered.

"Put the gun down Zayn or I will push this nice big red button." Anwar smiled and refused to answer the question.

I looked over at Harry for what decision I should make but he was half way knocked out.

"Zayn." Harry whispered. "Y-you know what to do." He nodded and laid his head back before knocking out.

"Y-you know what to do." Anwar mocked Harry. "Put the gun down or I'm pushing this!"

Everything went slow motion and I just watched as Anwar held the button with a slight grin.

I looked back at Harry who just laid there helplessly.

I then look back at Anwar again and looked at the button. That's when it clicked in my brain. That's not the button, the one Anwar has is plastic and ours is made of metal.

I then let out a laugh making Anwar stop smiling.

"You actually thought I was going to fall for that trap Anwar?!" I laugh hysterically.

"Shut the fuck up!" Anwar spat angrily.

I aim the gun at him making him flinch. "Shit, sorry!" He covered his face.

"Sorry isn't going to fix anything Anwar." I scoffed at him. "Saying sorry isn't going to make up for Lucky, saying sorry isn't going to make up for all the innocent lives you killed. Saying sorry is definitely not going to pardon you for the rest of the afterlife."

"You're evil."

I walked up to him and put the gun on his forehead.

"I'm not going to be gone forever Malik." Anwar whispers to me.

I pulled the trigger.

"Fear over me."

I pushed the gun making the bullet fly through his skull and out.

Pieces of his skin and brain fell as his body fell as well. My heart was beating because I was scared. It's like he knew I was afraid.

I then heard the siren of the Annual Purge and that's when I knew everything was over. I sighed and knelt down on the ground as tears ran down my cheek.

I looked back and ran over to Harry and checked his pulse, thank god it was beating.

I picked him up and walked outside, waiting for an ambulance to pick us up.

His tan golden skin glowed when the sunlight hit him and kissed his forehead.

"Don't worry Harry, everything's over." I whisper. I blinked away a tear drop making it fall on Harry's cheek.

"Everything?" I heard Harry mumble.

I looked at him and smiled. "Yes baby.. Everything."

He closed his eyes with a small sigh of relief.

I gently rubbed his swollen face and eyes. His eyes were purple and his lip was busted.

Then there was a faint ambulance siren at the distance and I quickly stood up.

All I remember is getting in the ambulance as nurses laid Harry on the bed and fixed up his wounds and scratches. They wrapped Harry's broken arm and waited until they arrived to the hospital to put a cast on it.

"This is going to sting." A nurse warned. I bit my lip as I felt the rubbing alcohol deep inside my bullet wound.

I was surprised they got it out quick and painless.

I sighed once again and leaned my head back with my eyes closed. So glad, so happy that Harry and I are safe and Anwar is dead.

Even though we're all born and created equal we're not treated equally.

There's extremists on every side and you should just do your best to live life and let other people believe whatever they wanna believe.

As long as they're not hurting anybody anymore. You can believe they're going to hell, you can believe it's not right, you can believe you're superior, fine...

Just stop killing each other

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