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Graces POV
I sat gathering my thought tears threatening to spill from my eyes.
I glanced at myself In the mirror once again. I might be a slave now but I'm still allowed to care about my appearance aren't i ?
I rubbed at the bags under my eyes and tried to smoothen down my knotted hair.
I looked so pale and ill.

Pulling myself off the floor I attempted to make my bed and open the window in my prison. I was surprised at the fact my room even had windows I always thought vampires didn't like the sun but then again I didn't even think vampires existed until now. I always believed vampires the be the villains of fairytale and fantasy not the creature who clammed I was his slave.
A knock at the door brought me out of my own thoughts and a small woman poked her head around the door frame. She shuffled in closing the door behind her and silently walked over to the closet. I wondered to myself if this woman was too a vampire but she seemed far to shy.
I watched her pull two different black dresses out and place them carefully onto the bed.
"His Majesty orders you wear these in a specific order" she instructs shoving the first dress into my hand implying me to put it on. Quickly I pull the garment over my head the dress is black and is rather short. It doesn't have a back and the fabric meets just top of my bum. Luckily the dress has a high neckline stopping my breasts from being exposed.
"That is for everyday work you will wear this when assisting His majesty and when doing your chores. You are to never leave this room wearing anything else but this dress or you will be punished"

she continues to not look at me in the eye and held up the other dress if you could call it that.
"This is for night wear. You are instructed to wear this to bed and when His majesty wishes to see you after hours" my eyes lock on the 'dress' she is holding. It is see-through and beyond revelling the front comes into a low V-neck which I'm sure will leave my breasts completely on show and it stops around mid thigh.
"No no no. I can't wear that I just can not" I refuse and turn away. That dress is not proper and it shouldn't be forced upon me to wear it.
"You don't really have a choice in the matter" she mumbles and then asks me to turn around so she could make my hair more presentable.
After a short time Sofia was done with me. She had pulled my long hair into a high ponytail, provided me with small black heels and she applied a small amount of perfume to my wrists and neck.
"Is it alright If I ask you something" I whispered.
"Yes if it is within reason" she replied while she closed the closet.
"Who is he ? Surely he is not king but you all refer to him as "his majesty" I ramble.
"No miss he is no king but he will be very soon. His father is the king of the vampire society making the master the Prince." She explains and then stops herself from speaking anymore.
"You are ready His majesty is waiting for you in his study which is down the first flight of stairs along the hall and it is the first door to your right" she opens the door for me and then walks off In the other direction.

Great just great ! I'm now expected to walk into this psycho princes study and do his bidding for the rest of my life I thought to myself.
I locate his study and knock quietly and the door just seems to open effortlessly.
"Well didn't you take your time girly" he grumbles without even looking up. I tip toed in and closed the door behind me.
His eyes flickered up to meet my own his eyes wondered down my body and I felt so very uncomfortable under his gaze.
"Psycho prince hmmm rather fitting. I like it girly" he smirked and I gasped how could he have heard my thoughts from so far away.
Suddenly he's gone from his desk in a flash and I feel him behind me "I can hear you everywhere your thoughts are rather loud actually it's very annoying" he whispered and placed his hand on my exposed back.
"The dress fits you perfectly" I can tell he's smirking at me but I didn't dare to look at him.
"Aww you are frightened off me aren't you" I nodded and slowly I felt his arms creep around my middle trapping me. He buried his face in my neck.
My body shook at his touch my fear completely overwhelming me.
"Such beauty for a mortal" he murmured and tightened his grip.
"Now I want you to sit in that chair over there and listen to my every word because I will not repeat myself."
He realised me from his grip and I slowly shuffled towards the chair and sat awkwardly awaiting his speech.
"I have many rules you will follow" he stated as he sat on the other side of the desk in a large leather chair.
"One of those rules is you will wear your uniform at all times. The time of day will determines which uniform you shall be wearing. Rule number two you will not speak out of turn and will only speak when spoken to. Rule number three you will obey me. You will do as I say or you will be punished and I will take great pleasure in watching you scream for Mercy"
A menacing laugh erupted from him when he noticed the tears streaming down my cheeks.
"Get over it my lovely ! You are mine now you are not anything now you are just an object which belongs to me crying will not help you here." I sniffled trying to not look affected by his cruel words.
"Slave stop crying" he shouted at me from across his desk.
"My name is Grace not slave" I whispered not realising I'd spoke aloud till I had done it.
"Excuse me" he sounded so emotionless all anger has left him and he looked rather amused.
"Grace I rather like that name it suit you but it's such a pity you no longer deserve a name."
I bowed my head In shame and nodded.
"Now come here I've been dying for you blood again since I first tasted it"
I walked over shaking in terror as he pulled me onto his lap grasping my palm in his strong iron grip. He ripped the skin with his nails which were surprisingly long for a man.
Blood trickled from the small cut he had left as I gasped. I watched him as he brought my wrist to his mouth and ran his tongue over the wound and began to lightly suck.
It felt better than before pleasant even. I could feel my heart rate quicken and I began to struggle for breath.
I didn't understand why I was enjoying his violation so much but I couldn't help myself.
His other hand rested on my thigh and once he was finished he brought his head up and ran his finger over his lips removing my own dried blood.
I struggled to regain my sanity after what had just happened. The first time he took blood from me I fainted and it was so painful but this time it was relaxing, pleasurable even.
I felt sick to my stomach at the thought off how much I'd enjoyed it and scrambled out of his lap towards the door.
He laughed at me clearly he had heard my thoughts and found my uncomfortableness amusing.
"It is only enjoyable for you when I wish it to be. I decide when you feel the pleasure of my bite or the pain and if you are a good little slave you will never feel the pain but if you are not I have many ways I could cause you pain you didn't even know existed." He said in a low terrifying whisper
"Now I have a few....friends coming round later and I wish for this house to be spotless you have until five o'clock to have everything ready so that gives you" he stopped and glanced at his expensive looking watch "just under four hours"
I nodded "yes master" and left his study still overwhelmed and disgusted at myself with what had just occurred. How could I let him hold me like that and enjoy his touch so much.
I didn't want to think about it anymore all I could think about were the four hours I had to tidy his home or I would end up being punished.

Just a filler chapter so it's not good but it's just filling :)
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