Inner monster

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Shadows POV

I'd frightened her away again. I was constantly messing this up I was going to lose her trust just as I was gaining it I was going to lose all my plans if I didn't keep her happy.
I had blown up on her over something she knew nothing about. Its not her fault my mother died she wasn't even alive when my mother died all them years ago.
But she's human she's part of the dirty race, the race which killed my mother. I could feel my rage over taking my body and I couldn't stop myself from the monster inside myself over taking.
I had to get out of here I had to get away from this place to get away from her before I brought myself to killing her.
I fled down the stairs but before I could get out the front door I felt her grab my arm.
"Please Shadow please forgive me." Her voice was so small and so sweet when she said my name I couldn't stand it I pushed her back I attempted to face her but I couldn't if I saw them eyes I knew I'd rip her to shreds because that's just the monster I am.
"Let me go" I snapped but she wouldn't listen she stood herself In front of me blocking the door.
"Forgive me Is all I ask I crossed the line in asking about your mother and that is not my place I can understand why you hate me so much now but please don't be angry at me my heart can't take it" she began to tear up and dropped to her knees in front of me.
What was she talking about "her heart couldn't take it" she couldn't honestly have affectionate feeling for me she's dirty blood and I'm using her she does realise that doesn't she?
Aw the stupidity of this girl was infuriating but I couldn't help wanting to cradle her as she cried and calm her down after all i had sworn to protect her and so I'd mark her as my own.
I'd never encountered such intense feeling one moment I wanted to drain every drop of blood from her body the next I wanted to be deep inside her and the next minute I wanted to just hold her. What was this girl doing to me ?
I ran my hands up and down her back which silenced her cries. "Be silent my Grace I didn't mean to shout at you it should be you who is forgiving me"
I watched her cuddle into me and sigh.
"Look if you go freshen yourself up I have a surprise for you and look your wounds are almost healed you are almost perfect again" I smiled at her and she shuffled out of my arms.
"A surprise ?"
"Yes a surprise for you now run along and go change"
She done as she was told and I watched her leave me now I have to think of some damned surprise for her.
I had something in mind but I wasn't sure if she's enjoy it.
So they made up sort off but OMG we just saw so many off shadows emotions come out ohhhhhhh
So what do you all thinks going to happen ?
Love you all
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