Saddle up

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Graces POV

I done as Shadow asked and changed my clothing.
Over the past week the Prince has began to provide me with gifts of clothing and no longer wishes for me to wear my maids outfit but he still insists I wear the skimpy sleeping dress to bed.
I decided upon wearing a white dress which finished at my knees and small matching white pumps.
If I'm honest looking in the mirror I looked like a child going for her first communion and not the sixteen year old part slave part fake fiancée I was.
I pulled my hair into a ponytail and then looked over where all my bruises had been from the attack at the ball which had all disappeared from Shadows blood.
I truly couldn't remember who it was that attacked me it was so sudden and frightening.
I pushed the thought out of my mind and returned to the front door where shadow was stood waiting for me.
"Are you ready for your surprise my dear" he spoke ever so softly to me but I was sure it was only to cover up how cruel he's been to me over his mother.
I saw his face screw up into annoying clearly he'd heard my thought but I brushed it of. "Yes I am" I smiled in return and took his arm which he'd offered to me.
He lead me silently to a stable and my heart fluttered when I saw the two horses fully tacked up and ready for us. Oh they were such beautiful horses one black and one white. He'd really outdone himself it was like something from a movie.
I let go of his arm and stood next to the white horse placing my hand on its beautiful main.
"Now it's rather silly and not exactly the modern thing for a man to do....really I don't know how to impress women of your kind I could give you money if that's what you want or eh or more clothes I could bring you diamonds or Gold. You hate it don't you please forgive me my grace I could have done better than this " He rumbled on and for the first time I was actually seeing the cruel heartless prince nervous. I smiled and silenced him by throwing myself into his arms.
"I love it Shadow I love them" I screeched how could he even think I'd hate his surprise.
"I...I mean" I cleared my throat. "master I love them"
"You do ?" He looked stunned and rather relieved. "Please Grace call me by my first name I do not wish for my bride to be to refer to me as master even if she is just part of a fake marriage ." He then took my hand in his and kissed over my ring.

He was so carful and tender when placing me on my horse which ironically was the black one. I soon was told by Shadow her name was Strand.
"Now I don't expect you to get the Hang of it right awake riding takes practice and years to master Grace so don't get upset if you can't do it first time" as he spoke to me like I was a child I just smirked at him and lightly kicked Strand into an easy Walk out of the stable and then into a full speed Gallup around the grounds of the magnificent gardens.
"Grace" I heard shadow growl and soon he was mounting his stallion and chasing after me.
He brought Strand to a halt by reaching over and grabbing the rains from my hands.
"Clearly you are an experienced rider" he asked with an amused smile dancing on his lips.
"Yes I had my own pony when I was about seven and I learned from then onward." I grinned at the memory.
"Well then I challenge you to a race my beauty" he smirked.
"Oh you will regret this challenge before I will surely win"
"No my Grace that is where you are wrong."
We both brought our horses to the edge of the front gates.
"First to the grand door wins." Shadow informed me and then he Leaned over and whispered in my ear "and if I win I want you to kiss me good night" he was smirking so confidently at me.
"But if I win I get new bed clothing and get to lose the thing you make me sleep in already" he laughed and then agreed.
"Are you ready" I nodded "well then after I say go" I nodded once more fixed on my goal ahead of me.
"" and we were of i was winning Strand was like lightening as she raced towards the grand door and just as I though I was about to win triumphantly I felt shadows horse race past me and reach the doors seconds before my own horse did.
"Ahhh you ride well my Grace but today I was victor and that means I expect you at my bedroom door ten o'clock sharp to wish me a goodnight and seal it with a kiss" he smirked.
I mumbled under my breath and glared at him.
"Oh sore loser are we"
"No I will be a graceful loser and pay my debuts ten o'clock sharp as you say"
"Oh how fitting you describe yourself as graceful. Graceful Grace really rolls of the tongue don't you think" he smirked once more and commanded his horse to walk back to the stables I followed with Strand silently and thought about a way to thank him for his kind surprise today and smiled.
Really this wasn't a side to Prince Shadow I had never seen before and I like him better this way.

So what y'all thinking ?????
I love when shadow talks about how he didn't know how to impress her and try's to explain he didn't know about how humans impress each other cause really I think this shows how cut of from humans he is after his mothers death. Please PLEASE tell me what you this of that section

How do you feel about the playful banter going on in this chapter is it to much ? Do we want Mean bad ass Shadow back ?
What do you think of the horses idea was it to stupid ?
Please be honest

Love you all
Comment and vote !! Xxx

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