Wedding dress

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Graces POV

"Angel wake up" I heard shadow whisper in my ear softly.
My eyes fluttered open to find Shadow bending down by my bed side.
"How are you feeling today" he whispered.
"Better but my memories are blank I can't remember anything after it happens Shadow why can't I stop myself ?" I knew he wasn't telling me something he was gazing at me his beautiful eyes so bright and deadly at the same time.
"Hmmm" I heard him grumble and climb into bed beside me pulling my body under his arm.
"Well my princess you see you've been blacking out every time you feed your humanity can't handle it and to stop from the feeling of guilt taking over you've been blacking out. It's perfectly normal for non vampire borns to do such a thing you are no different" he told me then placed his lips to my forehead.
"I know I'm doing it Shadow I can see it all replayed in my dreams I see the looks on their innocent faces." I moved away from him shrugging him off me.
"I'm a monster" I whisper not meant for Shadow to hear.
"You are no monster !" He growled "you just haven't learn to control yourself yet and that's fine I will teach you Grace we have literally forever to learn from each other" he bluntly told me standing from the bed.
"Shadow I didn't mean to offend you it's just..." I trailed off unable to finish my sentence.
"You didn't offend me it hurts me to see you hate yourself so much this is what you are now Grace and I will be damned if you continue to hate yourself for it" he soothed me pulling my hair into a pony tail and placed a beautiful diamond hairpin into it I thanked him with a kiss.
"You're a predator not a monster" he mumbled whilst wrapping his arms around my waist.
"I don't see a difference still a killer" I whimpered back in response.
"Trust me there is a huge difference"
"Shadow" I mumbled softly unsure of what I was about to ask off him.
"You wish to drink from me" he mumbled his eyes closed his lips nibbling my earlobe.
I sighed knowing he'd heard my thoughts and nodded.
"Be my guest I'm all yours" he seductively whispered into my ear and offered me his wrist but I didn't take it.
I felt a surge of energy as I flipped us around and pushed him down into the fabric of the bed and licked the soft skin of his neck.
I could see his eyes light up as I felt his hands grip my thighs as I sunk my teeth into his delicate neck.
His blood was so sweet I couldn't get enough it tasted even better than before when I was still human. I pulled my mouth away from my puncture wounds and then brought my lips to his shoulder and dug my fangs into his skin leaving yet another mark as I suckled the blood oozing out the wound.
I heard Shadow moan and watched as his eyes rolled back into his head his hands gripping my thighs tighter.

So many times he'd done this to me made me feel like the way I was making him feel. So many times he'd drank from me and i reacted just like he is now offering himself to me moaning at my actions.
I was in total control over Shadow Knight and there was nothing he could do about it.
I continued to feed from him until I heard someone clear their throat.
Pulling my head away I blushed and heard Shadow growl towards whoever had interrupt us.
"What is it ?" he shouted still gripping my thighs tightly.
"The royal dress makers are here sir" I heard a male voice answer then leave abruptly.
"Forgive me I got carried away" I whispered unable to face him.
"Hmmm remind me to let you get carried away more often" shadow chuckled pulling me to my feet and leading me from the room to one right at the end of the corridor.
"Now in you go this is your time with the people Who will be creating your wedding dress and sticking with tradition I can't be there to witness" he pouted and placed a quick kiss to my lips.
I smiled brightly and opened the door closing it behind me shutting my fiancé out.
"Oh she'll be great to work with look at her so vibrant and new" one woman called.
"Yes new borns do have that glow about them" an older woman smiled at me.
"Eh I'm Grace" I greeted polity
"Oh we know darling we know and it's an honour to dress another Royal bride" the older woman of the two responded.
"Another ?" I questioned.
"Oh the Princes mother such a beautiful bride she was and what a beautiful dress she wore truly I'd never seen a lady as beautiful as she. No wonder her sons are so attractive"
I raised an eyebrow playful at her comment about Shadows appearance.
"Hmm he's not to bad I guess I've seen better" I teased and chose to ignore the brief mention of both princes and just focused on Shadow.

My teasing caused a small laugh between the three of us as they sat me down showing me fabrics, lace, silks all different things my dress could be made from.
Suddenly an idea formed in my head.
"You know how you mentioned the Queens wedding dress do you still have the designs for it" I questioned
"Oh gosh of course right here" she flicked to the back of a notepad filled with scribblings and doodles of Dresses.
"Here it is my masterpiece" she announced with pride.
I gasped it truly was stunning and imagine the reaction Shadow would have if he saw me wearing his mothers dress something to remind him of her on our special day.
"Yes this one I want it exactly like that" I excited stated.
Oh Shadow I'm going to blow your mind the day we are finally husband and wife.

Soooooooo ?????
What do you think ?
She drunk from him cause I know that was requested.

See I try to put requests into the story's that's why you should put forward suggestions :)

What do you think of the wedding dress idea ?

Leave comments and vote please

And please read my new story "the colour crimson" it another dark love story if you enjoy this story I'm positive you'll love it :)

Love y'all xxxxx

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