Half breeds

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Grace POV

It was drawing closer to ten o'clock and like promised I was at shadows door in my god damn skimpy sleeping dress. My hair was down and softly curled at the ends I was dying to impress him this evening making him see he could want me.

He wasn't at the door waiting for me like I thought he would be so I knocked on the door. When there was no response I pushed the door open and tip toed in what I didn't expect to find was shadow lying passed out on his bed with no shirt on.
Oh god it was a sight to see he was the definition of male beauty and my body wanted him so bad in that moment. I was about to attempt to wake him when the covers on his bed moved and then I noticed Shadow wasn't alone in his chamber Gabriella had joined him and she was completely naked.
My heart sank right there I thought I'd impress him tonight and thank him for his kindness to me but it was all an act he was leading me on and I knew it.
I ran from his door and down the stairs and continued run my vision totally blurred by my tears. As I ran down the second flight of stairs.
Suddenly I tripped and fell into something hard then felt arms wrap around me.
I kicked and struggled to get out of them wanting not for Shadow to hold me but the body spoke and it wasn't Shadow.
"Oh my dear girl I did warn you didn't I ?" It was Blade his arms swooped under my body when I stopped fighting he picked me up and carried me into the grand ball room.
I let his hug me to his chest and ran his hands along my arm.
"He isn't worth your tears Grace my brother is not worth any of your time nor affection" he murmured.
"No buts it's the truth"
"Shadow told me the only reason you are nice to me is to get to him"
"And he is also a lier"
I let his words sink in Blade was right Shadow is a lier.
"I could get you out of here Grace if you came with me all your problems would disappear"
I thought for a moment Yes Shadow hurt me but I barely knew Blade what If he was lying to me what if lying ran in their family.
"No I can't leave. Shadow promised me freedom"
"Ah but Grace I could promise you much more"
"What are you even doing here"
"I came on business to talk with my brother" he replied sharply took my arm running kisses up and down it. He looked up at me and I could see his eyes had turned red and I nodded slowing granting him permission to bite me.
He smiled sweetly and licked the area he intended to bite with his tongue. Blade was so much more gentle with me that Shadow.
"Are you ready ? I will make sure it is painless and feels good for you" my heart fluttered Shadow could be this sweet but clearly it was just an act but Blade just seemed like a sweet and caring person period.
I nodded as he slowly bites softly into my skin. But his promise was untrue I didn't feel pleasure at all no I felt over powering pain. Shadows bites had never felt this bad even when he wanted it to hurt.
I screamed and blade pulled away pushing me of him in a rage I didn't think he possessed.
"You have dirty blood." He growled. "You have mixed bloods with my brother half human half vampire blood pumps in your little body. Why ?" He was growling at me his eyes turning black.
"It was to save me if he'd not i'd have died"
"He should have god damn turned you then not made you a half breed now nobody can mark you but him" he was furious.
Half breed! What the hell did he mean I was a half breed.
"A half breed ?"
"Yes a filthy half breed you will soon be craving blood but only my fucking brothers he only done this to piss me Off I knew he'd do something like this"
I couldn't take all this in I didn't want Shadows blood again I just wanted to curl into a ball and die.
"I must go Grace forgive my anger but I must leave this room I can't even look at you until your blood is cleaned or you are changed"
"Prince Blade please it isn't my fault."
"I know but it's not my fault either I can't be with you until you are cleaned"
"Because he's already began marking you and that's a law no vampire will ever break"
He replied and left me lying on the floor of the grand ball room crying like a pathetic child.

Well blade is back with a BANG !!!!
And what the hell shadow what's he doing with Gabriella
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