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Shadows POV


God my head was hurting I'd seen what is feared most my own father attacking Grace. I knew he was ruthless but I didn't think he would go that far. More something I expected from Blade and his jealousy but not my father.
I wanted to confront him challenge him but I knew I couldn't if I did it would put Grace at risk and any chance of me gaining my place as king and I just couldn't bring myself to give them both up.
I didn't have to marry Grace anytime soon but truthfully It would be safer for her if I married her within the next month then i would have my crown and finally have Grace completely.

My mother had told me the basics of marking and she said it would come naturally. There wasn't going to be a problem with me taking her innocent not at all but turning her is something else I don't think I could watch her in so much pain.
I'd changed people before and watched it happen it's rather an amusing process but to watch my love in that amount of pain as her body dies I don't know how I will suffer it.
I brushed the thought off and locked the door to my study so nobody could bother me.
I had so much to think about when I first saw Grace I'd never wanted someone so much in all my life I wanted to break her and watch her beg for my forgiveness. I'd pushed the girl so far when I first brought her here I didn't even feed her for the first few days.
I envied her humanity and ability to see past all the badness in me and forgive all I'd done to her.
I'd vowed to protect her from then on I'd abide by my mothers wishes for my happiness and keep Grace safe until she was strong enough to take care of herself after the change.

I hadn't even spoke about it properly with her what if she didn't even want to be a monster like myself could I bring myself to force her into it, because if I had to I surely would.
And children god I'd need an heir she would have to give me that as well.
I expected so much from her and she's only sixteen. I've taken her from her family her life and brought her here to abide by my rules.
I couldn't help but look at it as though she still is my little slave girl yes I might love her and she love me in return but I still expect her to do as she's told and the thought was killing me.
I wanted her to be happy here happy to become a vampire a bloody queen for fuck sake.
In my frustration I threw my desk chair across the room and watched it shatter into parts on the floor.
So much was expected from me and I sure as hell wasn't ready for it.
Fuck all the people telling me I was destined for greatness I was nothing but a failure I didn't deserve any of the things I had.
Unlocking the door I left my home in my car and left Grace behind.
I couldn't deal with seeing her she was the apple of my eye and yet I still felt like punishing her. This girl was corrupting my life and I wasn't sure if it was In a good way or bad.

Ohh shiiitttttttttt

So where do you think shadow is away to ?????
Do you think he's going to fall back into his old ways ?????
Why do you think he's so angry upset and confused ????
Do you think he will take it out of Grace ?????

Any suggestions for the next chapters I love your ideas
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Love y'all xxxxxx

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