The changes

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Graces POV

He held my hand as we walked to the door and knocked Quietly I didn't know what to do I didn't want to cry But i did want to see my family because I'd missed them.
God what would I say "oh hiya yeah I was kidnapped by an evil vampire who isn't so evil now but yeah we are in love and are getting married sorry but we've got to make you forget me" no that didn't sound right but my thought did gain a little chuckle from shadow.
"Evil vampire who isn't so evil now" he questioned with a smirk.
I was about to reply when the door creaked open but nobody answered it which was really strange.
I turned to shadow to see him frowning.
"What's wrong" I gently questioned.
I growl erupted from him as he pushed me back.
"Wait here Grace" he said firmly which froze me to the spot.
Leaving me outside he descended into darkness which was my old homes hall way.
I stood outside for what seemed like forever till I couldn't take it anymore and went after shadow.
I looked everywhere for him and in every room I went into I would attempt the lights switch but to no success.
What the hell was going on here ? had my parents moved in the time I had gone ?
Standing in the darkness of my old front room I heard what I thought was a very muffled cry from the back of the house where the garage was.
Nervously I took small steps towards the garage door.
Slowly I turned the door knob to find the room lite by only a few candle. I screamed at the sight before me shadow was on the ground at my feet lifeless and unmoving, my parents dangling a few inches of the floor bound by there hands.
I froze in fear knowing whoever done this must be still here But it was only seconds before I could feel hands around my neck.
"Hmmmm how did my big brother obtain such a little beauty" and I knew that horrible voice that voice i had once trusted.
The room filled with light as Blade and Gabriella entered from the doorway.
I watched as Gabriella picked Shadows lifeless body up and placed him against the wall.
"I've met your parents Miss Rivers such lovely people didn't even know their own daughter had left them heartbroken for a vampire. Sad really I was always told to respect my parents but you humans have different morals don't you ?" He whispered in my ear.
"What do you want with me ? Let my family go" I choked out inbetween sobs.
He glared down at me ignoring my question then smirked "he hasn't clean that damned blood of yours yet has he. I can smell It"
I looked over to shadow wishing to god he'd open his eyes.
I watched as shadows hand twitched and Gabriella straddled his lap which provoked a jealous growl from me.
"Blade I will do whatever you want just let my family go" I pleaded
I watched him lean in close then whispered a firm "No"
I watched as he pulled a long wooden stake from his coat jacket "I don't think you've realised how long I've Waited to finally be in this situation with you my dear at my Mercy and my big brother helpless to me" he laughed I could feel the anger boiling inside me and I slapped him hard across his smug face.
"You bastard" I screeched as I felt him catch my hand and tighten his grip.
"Your mine shadow and I made a deal as children we'd share everything and seen as I can't have my father kingdom without killing shadow first I thought I might as well have you" he whispered harshly in my ear. "But seen as shadow is so out of it I might as well kill two birds with one stone"
I let out a scream and attempted to help my parents.
"Aww come come now little Grace I haven't harmed them have I ?" He mumbled and pulled at the ropes and my parents fell to the floor weakly attempting to stand.
"Mum" I Cried pulling her close as my father struggled for breath.
"Please Blade please I will do anything I promise." I stood from my parents sides and walked slowly over to him.
"Anything ?" He questioned then placed the stake into my trembling hand.
"Kill him" he simply stated and pushed me towards shadow who was slowly waking up taking in his surroundings.
I looked down at the stake in my hand and gripped it tightly.
"I can't" I whimpered.
"Do it or I will kill your parents right here and drain them of all blood in front of you" he growled at me.
But I couldn't I couldn't hurt shadow I knew that he'd be back to strength soon enough but if I could distract blade for only a few moments I could maybe get out of this mess.
Holding the stake high above my head I attempted to attack blade with his own stake.
He grabbed me by the throat and pushed up against the wall I kicked and screamed for him to let me go.
Dropping the stake I felt blade ripped away from me and I was thrown the the floor.
I looked up to find shadow on top of his brother his teeth barred attacking his bother with so much force I didn't think it was possible.
I watched in fear and horror then suddenly I felt a stabbing sensation to my heart. I let our a blood curdling scream as I turned to see Gabriella's eyes gazing into mine an evil smirk dancing on her lips.
I could feel the life draining from me.
I was dying I could feel it.
Falling to the floor I pulled the stake from me and tried to catch my breath.
"Shadow" I whispered.
He turned to me letting go of blade and rushing to my side gathering me into his arms.
"Shhh shhh" he soothed me stroking my hair.
I watched as blade stood to his feet and Gabriella ran to his side as they left.
He looked down at me tears filling his eyes. He stroked my cheek and watched me intensely.
"Shadow" I breathed struggling for breath.
I watched him try to resolve the situation in his head.
"I'm going to have to do it're dying" he was crying I'd never seen him like this.
I felt shadow dig his teeth into my neck and suck then lift his head from my neck and bite his own wrist and placing it to my mouth.
"Drink" he told me and I obeyed.
After I felt myself slip into unconsciousness.


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