I have my crown and i have my wife

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I might redo this if people don't like it

Graces POV

Glancing at my reflection in the mirror I smiled the dress was beautiful, my hair was curled perfectly and my vail was covering my face in the way it should but still I wasn't confident.

In truth I was terrified what if Shadow hated what I was wearing what if he decided at the last moment he didn't want me as his bride and oh god what if he didn't even show up.

I scratched nervously at my palm mentally telling myself to calm down but I couldn't be calm us was petrified.
Shadow had left his mothers and all the previous royal brides tiara with Sofia which I still had to put on but couldn't bring myself to do it.
"Miss you must keep calm" Sofia said softly offering me a warm smile "you look beautiful and if it makes you feel better I've never seen the Prince this nervous in all my life his father is attempting to calm him down as well" she giggled and took the tiara out the box and stepped towards me.
"Really ? he's nervous too" I questioned whilst bowing down to let her place the tiara on my head.
"He's not freaking out like yourself but he's far from calm" I heard a deep voice reply to my question and noticed the king walking into the room with a polite grin on his face.
"Sofia please leave up" he mumbled as Sofia bowed and left the room she left me with the man who almost killed me.
He glared at me for a moment but I felt his eyes soften for a moment.
"Ah your dress is beautiful clearly not an original idea" he stated with an edge to his voice but his face showed no emotion.
I nodded polity. "Yes it's a beautiful gown" I agreed with a forces smile.
"I came to apologise to you. We got of on the wrong terms I truly believed Shadow was attempting to fool me and I made an example of you honestly I didn't believe he loved a human but once I attacked you he cared for you and nursed you back to health and I realised I was wrong and I am sorry for my mistake" he gruffly said his eyes burning into me.

"I understand your majesty you wanted the best for your son I do not hold a grudge against you" I smiled sweetly at him.
"I have something for you it's from my wife." He bluntly told me handing me a small letter.
"She gave it to me on Shadows eleventh birthday don't ask me what it is I never opened it. It's addressed to the future queen and that myself is you within a matter of hours you will in fact take over my wife's place and Shadow will take mine"
I smiled up at him running my hand along the letter softly. "I truly am sorry for all that happened to your wife"
"Ah aren't we all but she never left....not really her presence is everywhere my dear" he smiled and then left me.
Sitting down on the bed making sure not to crumple my dress i opened up the letter.
'Im writing to the woman who has the honour of capturing my sons heart. Sadly I can not be with you on this happy day as much as it pains me to say such a thing I know my destiny and I've seen what my little Shadows destiny is also. I beg of you my girl to love him unconditionally he needs it. Also the witches told me of what blade shall do to you please forgive me my sons share a bond they made stupidly at a young age which makes them see everything the other has they also own themselves. Clearly the bond they made is strong I've watch it cause many arguments between them both but a time will come when Shadow will become king and Blade will want that due to there bond he will also take an interest in you as well my girl and I must apology son behalf of Blade but please I beg of you forgive my second son he does not mean it he really is a well natured boy just the bond will continue to over power him.
I wish you all the best my dear.'

The letter was signed in what I thought was French at the bottom. My brain was a mess She new Blade would hurt my family and begged me to forgive him.
Could I forgive him ?
Could I go against what Shadows mother had asked of me ?
I wanted so badly to make Blade and Gabriella suffer.
Slipping the letter on top of my wardrobe I attempted to forget about it.

I felt faint as I stood at the wooden doors to the grand hall. I could hear people chatting and classical music playing softly.
Suddenly I saw the doors creak open and it was time.

Shadows POV

I'd calmed myself down due to the help of my father and his wise words.
I really couldn't wait to see my Grace all dressed in innocent white and finally mine.
Just as I was about to leave I heard a knock at my door.
"Come in" I called whilst fixing the cuffs on my sleeves.
"Shadow" I heard Blades voice call from the other side of the room.
My temper flared as I looked up at my brother clenching my fists.
"I didn't come here to fight you I came here to wish you luck" he said coldly.
"Don't worry I'm not staying for the wedding or the crowning I wouldn't want to ruin your day" he sneered.
"You'd better leave Blade because I've promised Grace you and Gabriella both for her to do as she pleases with you"
"Kinky" he smirked which flared my rage even more but I controlled myself.
"How dare you" I replied stepping closer to him.
"Alright alright I'm leaving" he stated whilst opening the door.
"See you around Brother" then he was gone and I let out sigh of relief as I made my way down the stairs.

Standing in front of my family and members of the high council wasn't as intimidating as I thought it would be. These were my people after all.

I kept my bag to the door like tradition as I heard the music start signalling Graces arrival. God how I wanted to turn around and look at her but I wouldn't i could wait the short walk she had to me.
I could hear gasps from everyone which confused me until I turned to face her when she reached me and seen for myself what all the fuss was about.
There she stood her face covered by her vail standing in what looked like my mothers dress but it couldn't be that dress was burned when my mother died.
I glared down at her confused to why she'd have a dress made exactly like my mother. I couldn't even see her face from the vale but I knew shed seen my reaction cause I heard her whimper.
"You look beautiful" I reassured her to make her feel better but I felt a pain in my chest at what she was wearing but I knew it was all in her attempts to please me.
I took her hands in mine when saying our vows I still couldn't see her face but I knew she was crying I could sense it.
Once our vows were said and our ringers were exchanged I pushed back her vail to see her flawless angelic face.
I wanted to kiss her so badly I wanted to hold my wife in my arms and kiss her senseless but I couldn't. removing her tiara instead and placed it down in my uncles lap as we both turned to face my father.
I watched as he blessed my wife with the rights to take on the role of Queen of his Kingdom and place the family crown upon her head.
Then he turned to me and removed his crown from his head. "Well I Neve thought we'd get here with you Shadow knight but clearly I was wrong" he whispered and then blessed me with the same blessings he'd given to Grace and placed the crown upon my head a sign of him passing down his leadership to me.

I heard my people cheer as I gripped Graces hand in my own and lead her out of the grand hall.
I wasn't the slightest bit interested in talking to guests at all.
No i had my Crown and I had my Wife my soul mate.
"Mrs Knight" I whispered into her ear and she tugged at my hand.
"I've waited for this for so long" I whispered kissing her lips softly as I pushed open my....our bedroom door and lead her inside.

If it's shit I will redo it ?

So what you's think ???

I tried to split it ?????

The dress ????

Shadows mums letter ???

The kings apology to Grace ???

Blades appearance was he up to no good ? And why did shadow let him go ?

This bond shadow and blade have ????

And finally they are married ???

You'll know what going to happen next and frankly I don't know how to write it so IM SORRY if it's bad hahaha I will be blushing like mad writing it lol

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Love y'all xxx

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