Ready to be a bride

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Grace POV

Weeks of peacefully bliss passes and within them weeks Shadow had shown me many ways in how to control my anger and my cravings.
He allows me to drink from him on occasion and the majority of the time does my hunting for me.
To put it bluntly Shadow had became a true gentleman but I knew why he was doing all these things for me i sensed he pitied me.
You see my beloved had been gone frequently preparing for his crowning after our wedding service I knew he had to do it and of course I understood it was very important but i missed having him to myself in all honesty.
During the time shadow would be away from my side I was put through endless hours of training classes which were traditionally meant to be shown by the previous Queen but that was impossible due to the fact Shadows mother was dead.
I was shown how to Present myself properly, how to address people and how to be as gracefully as possible.

Lying on a plush sofa which sat in the corner of Shadows study I thought of the next few days to come.
Tomorrow my dress would arrive and shadow would be home.
Then the day after that I would become Mrs Grace Knight , Crowned Queen and turn seventeen years old.
My stomach was in knots. So many things had happened in my life because of this crazy bond Shadow and I had but I wouldn't trade it for the world.
I loved him.
Curling into a ball within the comfort of my loves study I let sleep take over my body.

"Miss Grace" I felt myself being awoken by Sofia shaking me.
"Your dress has arrived" she smiled holding a huge white box under her arm.
I scampered to my feet and dragged Sofia up the stairs by her free arm and into my bedroom.
I watched her place the box down on my bed and place two smaller boxes down beside them.
I was almost shaking with excitement as I gazed at the closed boxes like a child does at Christmas time.
"Ohhh may I open them Sofia can I ?" I questioned and she laughed warmly.
"The Queens reaction was the same the day her dresses arrived the box was so badly ripped open the dress had to be hung up until her wedding instead of placed back in the safety of its box" she told me with a ghost
Of a smile on her lips as she placed the first white box in my hand.
I pulled open the ribbon to reveal the most beautiful white laced corset i had ever seen with matching panties and stockings.
"Oh it's beautiful" I whispered running my fingers along the white lace which ran across the middle of the corset and round to the ribbons on the back.
"That it is my dear the colour is so pure" she smiled sweetly at me as I placed the garments neatly back in the box.
The next box contained my vail which was beautiful and elegant but gosh it was nothing in comparison to the dress which lay inside the third box.
Gently pulling it out it's box I gasped at how well it was designed to look like shadows mothers.
Holding it to my chest in front of the mirror I felt like crying tears of joy at how stunning it was.
"The Queen dress" was all I heard Sofia whisper.
"Yes it's almost identical apart from the small emeralds on the cuffs and neckline" I whispered back still glancing at the beautiful gown.
The dress was pure white with a big underskirt and tight waist. The dress had a low neckline so my breasts could be seen only slightly and long sleeves which cuffed prettily around my wrists.
I saw Sofia frowning at me from my mirror.
"Is something wrong" I asked placing the dress down in its box.
"Not at all's just that the council will be there, the king, Shadow the majority of the Kingdom are waiting in excitement to see what the new soon to be Queen will be wearing to be married and crowned I just don't see anyone expecting a dress so close to the previous queens" she honestly told me and I nodded my head slightly.
"But miss it's beautiful you really will look like a princess in it I know the prince will be mesmerised when he sees you" she smiled which made me blush softly.

"I'm sure I will be" came a familiar voice from outside the door.
"Don't come in" I screamed at the top of my lungs.
"Hey I'm not one to break traditions I'm waiting till tomorrow to see what the dress makers came up with I'm not going to peek" Shadow laughed and I left Sofia to put the dress and other items away where Shadow could find it.
"Your home" I said wrapping my arms around him placing a lazy kiss to his neck.
"I missed you" I purred softly.
"And I missed you in return my Grace"
Picking me up and carrying me down the stairs he plopped me on the top of his desk within his study.
"You know I can smell you've been in here whilst I was gone not hunting for your Birthday present I hope" he smirked glaring playfully down at me.
"Shadow I wasn't even expecting a birthday gift gaining your second name is a great enough gift for my birthday" I smiled honestly up at him and felt his hard eyes soften to me like they always did.
"Hmmm well anyway I got you a little something I wished to give you for your birthday but It would do me the great honour if you'd wear it tomorrow when I take you as my Bride and Queen" he told me whilst pulling a small black box from his pocket and placing it in my hand.
"Go on open it" he smiled and I done as I was told gasping when I saw a beautiful diamond bracelet on a small silver chain.
"Ohh shadow it's lovely. I love it it of course i will wear it tomorrow" I smiled bringing my lips to his softly.
"Good" he smirked and kissed my nose softly.
"Now come we must eat and then it's of to bed for us both which means we say our goodbyes to one another and next time we will see each other will be at the alter" he murmured into my ear softly.


Who is excited ?

Who thinks shadow will like the dress ???

Who thinks it will hurt him seeing her in the dress ????

The underwear and vale are so pretty right ???

And the sleeve idea for the dress is Loosely based on my own mums dress
suggestions ????
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Love y'all xxxd

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