Four post bed

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Graces POV

The sunshine awake me from my slumber it took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the light and that's when the pain hit me.
My body was in so much pain all over from head to toe.
"Grace" I heard a soft voice beside me and then felt a hand slip into my own and squeeze it. Turning my head to see who it was i noticed it was shadow he was kneeling beside me and stroking my hair.
"You are finally awake" he murmured and I noticed how bloodshot his eyes were also the skin under his eyes and at the side of his mouth had began to crack clearly showing signs he had not feed in a long time.
"What happened to me" I crocked quietly.
"My Grace I don't know I returned to you and I found you lying with your arm slashed and you were screaming. Don't you remember ?" He was speaking so softly to me that my heart swelled up.
"No Master i don't remember but master you must feed you looks so ill please I beg of you take my blood" he then silenced my rambling with a soft kiss to my temple.
"Husshhh don't worry about me I've not left your side in two days feeding hasn't been my main priority. You are my priority you must be kept alive."
I knew myself why I must be kept alive so he could gain his crown and his kingdom through our marriage but it was still nice of him to stay with me as I recovered.
"Grace I need you to sit up for me. Can you do that ?" He whispered softly.
"Yes I think I can do that." I shuffled my aching body up into a siting position and he didn't let go of my hand.
"Now my Grace I'm going to bite my own arm and I need you to take blood from me. I know you don't want to but I need you to drink from me to heal your injuries." He cooed
"No I can't do it...."
"It is not a request it is an order" he shouted and I whimpered. "Please for my peace of mind just drink from me it won't be much just enough to start your body's recovery." He then took his hand out of mine and bit into his wrist.
Blood trickled out the open wound and down his palm.
He offered his wrist to me and I took it hesitantly running my lips over the bite mark and then suckling softly.
Oddly his blood tasted rich and filling unlike the metallic filthy taste I had expected.
I couldn't get enough I pulled his arm closer to me and sucked on it hard earning what almost sounded like an orgasmic groan from Shadow.
I kept suckling on him until he pulled himself away from me and I was so disappointed and shocked at the fact I wanted more I craved more of him.
A smirk grew on his face and he pulled the sleeve over his wrist. "You almost took to much my little grace now I wish for you to rest and I will return within the hour to tend to you but in the meantime Sofia will come to help you bathe."
My only response was a nod and then he left the room and sure enough Sofia entered moments later.
In all the events of the passing few moments I hadn't noticed I wasn't in my own room I was in a room decorated with lush red bed sheets and dark black walls. I was convinced this room belonged to Shadow it was just so him.
The bed was so large much larger than my little single one. I'd never slept in a four post bed before but it was beyond comfortable. I noted how the floor was a dark marble and a fire place was blazing at the other side of the room.
I then noticed the photo beside his bed. It was of a woman who looked no older than myself. She was beautiful with jet black hair and chocolate coloured eyes. She was stunning. Was this shadows love ? Is this the woman he really loves what happened to her ?
"Was this his love ? Did she die Sofia is that why he's so cold ? His true love died that is so heartbreaking" I mumbled.
"Oh no no no miss you are jumping to the wrong conclusion that lady there is Prince Shadows mother but yes her death is the reason he is so cold towards humanity he has been ever since I can remember."
"She is so beautiful Sofia" I smiled.
"Yes she was very beautiful and the entire kingdom adored her. She was the perfect Queen."
"And what happened to her" I asked unsure if I would get a reply.
"She was murdered" was the reply but it didn't come from Sofia it came from Shadow who had appeared in the doorway I could feel I had angered him by asking question I had no right to ask.
"Leave us Sofia" he ordered and she scurried out the room.
"My mothers death is really nothing to do with you is it Slave." He had turned cold and was now what I frightened the most he called me slave which hurt because I truly believed we had passed that but I guess we hadn't he did still expect me to call him Master after all.
"No forgive me I didn't mean to upset you" I whispered.
"Well if you must know she was murdered by humans. She was a peaceful woman who loved humans more than she should have she trusted them and paid for it with her life"
"I didn't know I didn't mean to bring it up please forgive me" I begged.
"No just leave now. I can see your wounds have began healing leave me and do not return to this part of my home I do not wish for your company here." He ordered coldly.
"Please I'm sor.."
"LEAVE ME NOW" he bombed which made me jump to my feet and flee the room In a dash.
I truly didn't know what to do or how to apologies to him. Surely he'd see it was just my interest in his life but I doubt he'd see it that way.
I felt tears sting my eyes as I pulled the covers over my head in my little bedroom. All I wanted for was to please shadow at the ball the other night but all I did was embarrass him and now I've angered him.
Why couldn't i do anything right ?

So we've learnt a little what shadows issues with humans are sort of not it all but a little bit.
So what do you think now ?
Was shadow truly caring for her at the begin of this chapter ?
What do you think of his reaction to her feeding of him ?
What do you think of his mother ?
What do you this of Grace liking the taste of his blood ?
And who do you think injured Grace in the first place ?

Lots of love
Comment and vote xxxx

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