The broken bond

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Graces POV

"He doesn't want us" I mumbled rubbing my stomach.
It's been almost a week since I over heard shadow and his father talk.
I really couldn't believe it my pains were due to pregnancy. I was shocked to hear the news but I surely wasn't as disappointed as my husband.
I'd never seen Shadow so disappointed in all the time I had known him.
I don't truly know why I ran off but I just didn't want to see him at that moment in time.
He told me he wanted children far before we married but it would seem he'd changed his mind.
I'd found myself traipsing through forests and valleys alone and frightened.
I hadn't feed in days but really I couldn't bring myself to do it which caused so much pain in my stomach but I just had to ignore it.
Curling into myself on the hard ground under the cover of trees I let sleep take over my body holding my still flat stomach tightly.
I awoke to a moving sensation I was cradled in someone's arms and we were moving.
Opening my eyes I peeked up to see the one person I wished never to see again.
Attempting to fight him off but I just couldn't I was far to weak.
"You need to feed" he mumbled quietly.
I felt a door pushed open and my body placed down on something soft.
"Stay here" he warned but his voice was still soft.
I lay there cradling my knees to my chest. I didn't want to be here I just wanted to go home and apologise to Shadow.
Moments later Blade returned carrying a glass off red substance. I felt the bed shift under his weight as she sat beside me and pulling my face up softly.
"Drink" he whispered and held the glass to my lips and I drank it quickly savouring the taste.
Finally the pain in my stomach calmed.
"They're happy now" Blade announced which made me turn to him clearly shocked.
"Them ?" I whispered.
"Yes I can hear them both moving Grace my hearing is better than yours it's one of my skills I inherited from my mother" he was speaking so softly to me unlike the last time.
"I know you hate you" he mumbled standing up from the bed. " I done things to your family I shouldn't have but Grace you don't understand I..." I cut him off "I know. Your mother left me a note she said I wasn't to blame you it's to do with some bond" I saw a smile appear on his lips.
"The bond is broken Grace" Blade beamed turning to me with a smile gracing his face which resembled my husband so much.
"How ?" I questioned weakly.
"I sacrificed my link to my brother it's a memory I don't wish to share with you how I done it Grace because it's a very painful experience" I nodded and placed my hand on his.
"Thank you" I whispered quietly.
"It wasn't for you nor my brother it was for my own happiness finally I'm free of my overwhelming jealousy" he turned to me again "why were you alone in a forest when you clearly are in no fit state to be alone" he questioned.
"Shadow doesn't want me to have a child and now you've told me I'm having twins he's going to hate me I don't want him to this of me" I whimpered tears threatening to spill from my eyes.
"He won't hate you." He growled "my brother might be a fool sometimes and say things he doesn't but he's extremely protective of you he loves you" he headed towards the door "I shall be contacting my brother this evening he's probably got every guard in the kingdom looking for you" he chuckled.
"Blade" I called and saw him turn to me "where is Gabriella ?" I questioned quietly quietly.
"She is dead Grace I'd had enough of her" he smirked and then closed the door.
I lay back rubbing my stomach shocked at the fact two little life's were growing inside of me.
The door opened again but it wasn't Blade it was a short blonde woman with a big smile.
"Hello" she chirped happily and pranced over to me.
She was very pretty with striking green eyes. "I've been dying to meet you my Queen" I chucked at her words.
"Please call me Grace" I smiled sitting up in the large bed I was in.
"Aw you are as beautiful as they say but you look like you've not slept in days" she stated worriedly.
I giggled "yes sleeping hasn't been something I've had in a while" I smiled at her.
"Oh I forgot to introduce myself I'm Ariana" she smiled "eh I'm....hmm well I guess I am sleeping with Blade" she joyfully said with no shame.
"Oh that's interesting" I whispered trying not to be at all rude.
She giggled and sat at the foot of my bed.
I saw her eye my stomach closely. "The future royal family are inside you" she whispered and she sounded so intrigued.
I smiled "I guess so yes"
She smiled softly at me and placed her had over my belly.
"Certainly lively aren't they" she whispered
"Oh I didn't know I've not felt them" she eyed me oddly.
"No I don't mean they are moving no they are feeding off each other oh it's so adorable" I pulled away from her shocked and confused.
"They're doing what ?" I screamed clutching myself.
"Oh twins do that your majesty they are siblings it's sharing" she mumbled her head down.
"Out Ariana" I heard Blade whisper coldly and saw Ariana leap to her feet leaving the room.
"She doesn't word her sentences well she's still learning I'm teaching her" he smiled softly "she's correct but they aren't hurting each other by doing such things Grace. It's natural for our kind" he assured me.
I let out a Sigh of relief and smiled. Wishing to change topic I spoke up softly "she's a sweet girl Ariana"
He chuckled a raised his eyebrow "girl ? She's about three times your age but yes she is a nice girl but she's had a certainly hard life. I'm currently teacher her to read correctly" his eyes seemed to be filled with admiration as he spoke.
"What happened to her ?"
"She was inslaved because of her youthfulness she will be forever stuck at the appearance of a fifteen year old" his eyes darkened and I could tell he clearly cared for her deeply.
"She seems happy enough here" I smiled
He smirked the pushed open the door fully open revealing Shadow violently storming up the hallway.
Blade smirked then left giving short eye contact with Shadow.
As I glanced up at the beautiful man I was in love with I saw the pain in his dark eyes.
"Hey" I whispered
"Hi" he mumbled.


So I guess that was long

Had blade really changed ????

Is lads lying ?

Is Ariana a new Gabriella and just an evil new friend of blade ???


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