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Echo Cruz]

" I can't buy that it's too expensive." I say as Holly handed me a tight short laced white dress, Lia nodded. "I'll buy it for you. Because I want you to wear it at my wedding." She informed, I sighed. "Thanks, I will pa-" "You don't have to pay me back." She said cutting me off, I nodded and smiled slightly.

Ive never had such good friends. I don't deserve them...

"Echo?" I heard a familiar voice call my name, I looked up to see Ryder. I instantly smile. Its been so long since Ive seen him. Come to think about it, I miss him so much. He walked up to me and smiled. We hugged each other tightly. "Ah ive missed you, babycakes." I laughed and hugged him tightly before letting him go. "Ive missed you too."

I looked at Holly and Lia to see they're so confused and shocked. "Ryder these are my friends Holly and Lia. You guys this is my best guy friend, Ryder." They smiled at him and he nodded. He looked at me a little worried. "Where have you been? Ive calling that dumbass of a boyfriend of yours. But he hasnt been answering." Ryder said worried, I looked down when he mentioned Drew.

Should I lie or tell the truth?...I guess both.

"Drew. We got into a big fight and things were getting too carried away. So I left the house but he followed me. He was hit me but thats when Holly and Lia stepped in. I-I live with them now we are." I half lied, he gave me an uneasy look but nodded. "Okay but you could have called me...Ive been so worried. I even went to your old house...i looked everywhere for you." He explained sadly, I looked down feeling bad. "Im sorry." I say, he hugged me. "Its know how protective I am." I nodded as he let me go.

"Well Holly and I paid for our ready to go?" Lia said walking up to us, I looked at Ryder. "We should hang out and catch up on everything soon." I nodded with a smile, he smiled back. "You know my number. I'll see you soon." He said before hugging me and kissing my cheek, I hugged him back. "See you later." I said before he left.


"Wow you must really care about Ryder..."Holly said as we sat in the living room, I nodded. I looked down. I couldn't help but feel bad that I forgot about him. My best friend. I was just so over whelmed with everything that I didn't think about calling him. I should at least let him known that I was okay and safe. "Echo?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at them. "Uh yeah of course. He have been with me through thick and thin...and I didnt even think about calling him." I say with a sigh, they patted my shoulder.

"Don't beat yourself up about it. At least he knows your safe." Lia said, I nodded. We all yawned at the same time. Holly laughed. "I don't know about y'all but im tired and I miss my babe." Lia whined, we laughed and nodded. "I feel you. I miss Alaric and we were suppose to get it onn tonight." Holly huffed, I laughed. "I feel you guys...I miss Isaac." I huffed, we all sighed sadly.

A second later we were all lifted up bridal style, we both yelped. I looked up to see Isaac and I smiled. "Ive missed you too." He said before kissing me, I kissed him back and smiled. "Awww!" Holly and Lia said as they're boyfriends held them. I looked at them and smiled. Lia and I looked at Holly as she winked at us. "You already knoww." She said with a smirk before her and Alaric left. We laughed.

"Ready to go?" Isaac asked, I looked at him. "Where?" I asked, he smiled before leaning down to my ear. "To my room." He whispered lowly, I bit my lip. "Yes." I whispered back, he smirked and carried me to his room as Lia yells get some.

Soon, we were at his room door. He let me down and opened the door. I  walked in looked around. His room looks really good. Not even a minute after I turned around, I was pinned roughly against the wall. I made eye contact with Isaac before he kissed me. "You dont know how much I missed you today." He whispered as he kissed my neck. I got enough confidence and said "well show me." He smirked before taking me too his bed.

He laid me down before looking at me. Seconds went back, I look up at him curious. "Whats wrong?" I asked looking at him. He looked down, looking surprising shy all of a sudden. I lifted his head up and made him look at me. "Tell me." He nodded before licking his lips. "I know we've only known each other for about six months. But I cant help but feel strong feelings for you and they get stronger each day and...I may not know what love is but im willing to try." I couldn't help but agree with him. My feelings for him has always been strong afraid to love.

I should give us a chance.

"Your willing to try...?" I asked, he looked me in my eyes. "Im willingly And I want to make love to you." He answered serious and honest. I couldn't help but smile and nod. " willing to give us a chance." I say, he smiled and kissed me. "And I want you to make love to me too..." I whispered, he nodded. "Okay." He said before beginning..

To be continued.

A/N: Yes I fast forward the time. They've known each other for six months and a couple weeks now...


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