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[Echo Cruz]

"Echo! You can do better than that! Again!" I sighed in fustration. Lia got Kai to train me to kill with no mercy. Kai didn't agree at first but soon he gave in. He also said he'll keep this between only us. Today is my first day of training and Kai is not backing down.

I wiped the sweat of my face before hitting the punching bag, as I was about to punch again, I was thrown to the ground. I screamed as Kai held me down. I looked at him and instantly my  memories came back.  Tears quickly formed in my eyes as Kia held me down harder. "Fight me, Echo." He demanded as he got closer, I started crying as I remembered the Hendrick's men all over me. I remember I felt weak and hopeless.

"I cant." I sobbed, he shook his head. "Yes you can! You cant keep hiding from this, Echo! You want me to show you how to be a killer with no mercy!" He yelled making me jump, I nodded slowly. He yanked me up on my feet then thrown me across the floor. "Ou-" "This is it!" He cut me off.

I looked at him. "I am not gonna show you ANY mercy! So you have to fight back!...or be taken down." I swallowed the lump in my throat, I tried to get in my fighting position. My eyes widen as Kai ran up to me, I quickly moved but he grabbed me by my shirt and slammed me to the ground.

I cried out. He sighed. "Echo, instead of being afraid and sad about what happened to you be angry! Get pissed off!" He pushed me, I closed my eyes after I remember everything that has been taking from me. My best friend, my family, my friends and mostly my happiness. I been mistreated so many times, I started to get used to it. But im done. Im done being nice!

I opened my eyes to see Kai running up to me, I quickly grabbed jim by the neck and pushed him into the wall. I imagined him as a Hendrick and I blacked out. I didnt feel like myself, I just felt rage. I slammed him into a wall, he grabbed me by my neck and threw me.

In a flash, I got up and punched him in the jaw. He fell back alittle, I smirked and kicked him down. I started repeating kicking him in the stomach. He grabbed me by my legs and pushed me down. He got on top of me and smirked. I was triggered. I grabbed him by the neck and tighten my grip. He was choking or anything. "You gotta do better than that." He laughed, I slapped him before punching him in the stomach repeatly. He moved his head to the side and spit up some blood.

I kicked him off of me and punched him. He slammed me into the wall, hurting my back. He wrapped his hands around my neck and tighten, i started to gasp for air. I held his hands as it start to loosing. I didn't know i was crying into my tears and blood fell to the floor. He slowly lift me up by my neck.

I looked him in the eyes. "You took everything from me! Everything! You took my bestfriend,my new found family and the love of my life! You made him go through hell! But I went through it all." His grip tightens. "Then you took the most pure thing in my life, that WE created away from me...away from my family. My child! I didn't even get to see my baby!" I was instantly dropped to the floor, I coughed.

I looked up to see Kai crying, I got up amd went to him. "Kai?" I whispered, my throat still hurting. He cried as he looked away from me. "Kai..." I say grabbed his shoulder and turning him facing me. I made him look me in the eyes, his eyes were blood shot red and puffy yet he was still crying.

"Kai, what's wrong?" I asked a little dumb founded, he kept crying. To be honest, I was shocked. I never seen Kai cry, it honestly broke my heart. "Ka-" "Im sorry, Im so sorry." He sobbed,looking at me. I looked at him. "I should've looked harder, I shouldve thought about where you couldve been faster. I couldve stop the struggle you went through. Im so sorry, you lost your baby. Im so sorry, I didn't save you in time." He sobbed as he made eye contact with me, I couldn't stop myself.

I hugged him and held his forehead against mine. "It's not your fault,Kia." He cried. "You did help me. You found out where I was and told Isaac them." I say, I hugged him. He nodded and hugged me back. Our hug felt like it was lasting for hours. We broke our hug and looked at each other, soon we stared at each other lips.

As we leaned in, we both stopped ourselves. We both looked away. "I um..." I trailed off, he wiped his face. "Training is over for today, go get cleaned up." He said before leaving quickly, I mentally face plam myself.

I was shocked at what we was about to do, but I was even more shocked at the fact...I dont know if i did or didn't want to stop myself.

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