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[Echo Cruz]

After putting up some silver and gold colored flowers designs on the built ballroom's walls, I smiled at my work. It's been a month since what happened between Kai and I, I sighed quietly. Kai and I talked about what a happened two weeks ago. We realized that it was a huge mistake and we need to find a way to tell Isaac and Lia. But giving the fact that Bree knows, made it pretty hard. She's always around Isaac....Isaac. We haven't talked that much lately, I've been a little distant. Plus I could no longer lay with him because Bree forced me not to. However, I believe that I don't deserve Isaac. Not anymore. I'm not the same women anymore. After what happened to me when I got kidnapped and Ryder's death. Everything has been different, I...I can't think straight. I can't be my old self. I wiped my watery eyes as Holly came up to me with a smile.

"Aww cheer up! You know we have to be positive. Lia and Kai's big day is in three days!" I forced a smile on my face and nodded at Holly. I looked at Kai and Lia as they playes with Sia, gulit took over me. I have to tell them before all this. I went to my room and jumped as I felt a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. My body instantly calm down and the stress sort of went away. I turned around and smiled up at Isaac, he kissed me lightly. "Baby, we gotta talk." My heart raised as I backed up a little. Does he know? "Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for it to happen...It just did." His face expression changed to confusion, I looked at him. "What are you talking about? Because I just wanted to know if you know what color tie that Lia want my men to wear..." He looked at me, I bit my lip nervously. I could see the worried look on his face. As he was about to say something, Bree walks in. "Isaac. Your men are getting fustrated with what type of tie to wear at the wedding?" Bree laughed, Isaac joined before kissing my cheek. "We will finished talk later." He say serious before Bree smirked at me and walked away with him. I let out a shakey breath.


"Girl we've been really distant lately. What's wrong?" Lia asked as she took off her wedding dress that she tried on, I giggled lately. "Um nothing." I could see Holly staring at me in the corner of my eye, Lia nodded and smiled cheerfully before leaving to change into her normal clothes. As Lia went into her bedroom and closed the door, Holly went up to me. I looked at her as she eyed me down. "What did you do?" I looked away. "Nothing,I've just been sick lately." yeah, sick of this hidden secret. "Hm." I got up and left but I ran into Bree. She pushed me, I felt to the floor. As she laughed, anger went through me. I have had enough with her! She has done nothing but been a bitch to me! I got up and slapped her. "You bitch!" We began to fight. She punch me in the face, I kicked her. She slapped me, I punched her. As I put her in a head lock, everyone surrounded us. The men tried to break us up, but we wouldn't stop. All the stress and anger, I had to let it out. I let her go and began punching her as she began swinging at me. As we fought, we both spit out some blood. She kicked me and I punched her. As I was about to hit her again, Isaac picked me up and put me on his shoulders. "Get that bitch out of here!" Bree yelled as a man holded her. "Shut the fuck up!" I yelled as I wiped my mouth. "You ain't nothing but a sult!" I went quiet. "Do not call her that!" Isaac yelled but she smirked at him. "You are so clueless." She trailed off. "Of what?", "Of what they did behind your back." My eyes widen. I am suppose to tell him.

He put me down and I looked at him. "What is she talking about, Echo?" His voiced filled with worry and fustration. "I-um." I stutter. I mean how you going to tell someone that loves you deeply that you slept with their best friend. "Her and sexy Kai. They couldn't stay away from each other." I gasped. Isaac eyes widen before he looked at everyone then me.  "What is she talking about?" His voice is low and cold, I looked down unable to look in his eyes. "Echo!" His voice boom through the room, I jumped and looked at him. My heart dropped as his eyes were watery and beginning to turn puffy. "I- Kai and I...", "We slept together." Kai finished, he looked at me before we looked at Isaac. Tears escaped his eyes. Instantly, Kai was pinned against the wall with Isaac choking him. I tried to grabbed Isaac but he pushed me away. "Isaac stop!" Holly and I yelled, he didn't listen. Isaac punched Kai. "You were suppose to be my bestfriend, my brother! I trusted you and you out of all people do this to me!" Punch. "Y-you...were supposed to be my best friend." Isaac sobbed before dropping Kai to the floor, Kai got up slowly. "I'm sorry. Man, I am so sorry." Kai sobbed as he tried to talk to Isaac. "Don't." Holly yelled before pushing him away.

I went up to Isaac but Holly blocked my way. "Let me speak to him." I pleaded, she gave me a rude look. "Why? You've done enough." Tears escaped my eyes. I looked at Isaac to see him moved Holly a side and came close to me. "Why?...Why Echo?" His lip trembled. "I'm sorr-", "I am tired of the fucking apologizes!--Why wasn't I good enough? Why did you sleep with Kai? WHY DIDN'T YOU LOVE ME?!", "I do love you, Isaac!", "No. No you don't. Because if you did, you wouldn't have just broken my heart." Tears came down our faces. "I need my ring back." My mouth parted. As I took off my engagement ring, a part of me left. I put it into his hand. He sniffed and wiped his eyes but his tears didn't stop. "You know,Echo. I thought you changing me. Turning me into a good man...a weak man. Would make me feel and it did. But now I feel worst than I ever felt before. But when I closed up my emotions, I wasn't able to feel them. And that I do, I want nothing more than to never feel again. "  My heart felt as if it been punched a thousands times. "Isaac..." Holly shook her head. "You and Kai are the monsters." She said before Lia walked in with tears down her face. Holly tried to go to nmher but she shook her head.

"You're just like them. A Hendrick. They do nothing but ruin things. You know before you got here we were fine. Kai and I were fine! But now...I wish you were never found." I couldn't think but I could feel. I felt all those memories of being kidnapped by the Hendricks. Being abuse, raped and lost of hope repeatedly. Them killing my unborn baby. "You compared me t-to those murders! You don't know anything that I went through there!" She eyed me. "I was fucking raped each and every damn day, not by the same guy but by different groups. I was cut to wear I have scars all over my damn body! They took my hope away from me. They impregnated me and then killed my unborn baby...THEY BROKEN ME...BEYOND REPAIR!" I screamed as everyone watched me with sadden in there eyes. I looked at Isaac then Lia. "I am deeply sorry for what I have done to this family..." Isaac stared at me as did Lia. "You mean nothing to mean! You are a Hendrick. Your words, there nothing but lies." Lia snapped. I am done. I'm done. I wiped my eyes and face before looking at everyone. I mean I've lost everything and everyone. So what I got to lose.

I held up my shirt and showed my scars, I showed the burns and scars. Everyone gasped but I ignored. I shrugged. "You are right. I'm a hendric-", "Echo, you are sick." I laughed at Holly words. "I'm not sick. I'm just broken and I can't be fixed." I walked up to Lia and eyed her. "Your nothing to me." I mocked before looking at Isaac. "You had a choice when you met me. When I was getting choked by ex boyfriend Drew. You could of left me to die but you didn't and that was your mistake." I say. "I'm sorry for what I did to this family. You know I never had a real family before...all I had was Ryder. But he's gone. I had you guys but not anymore. So can someone please tell me...WHY AM I STILL ALIVE?!" They looked down. I could no longer feel. I just wanted everything to end. I want to end. I quickly grabbed Isaac's gun and ran outside to where Drew almost killed me at. Everyone ran to the pouch and watched me. But Isaac, he ran to me. I held the gun up to my heart, shakingly.. "Isaac, I love you and you deserve the most. Please forgive me and forget about me. Just remember me as a hendrick who broke your heart. It'll be easier." I whispered as I closed my eyes. Before I held on to the gun as best as I could, I heard Isaac yelling. "Echo!" I closed my eyes as a loud sound echoed, I felt my body drop. Memories good and bad replayed before I saw nothing but black. My chest went up then down and everything stopped.

A/N: Is this the end there more. Comment your thoughts. The more votes and comments, the faster it will be revealed.

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