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[ Isaac Williams]

I caught Echo's body before she could hit the ground, my heart broke into billion of pieces. I could care less about the drama at the moment, I just need for my baby girl to be alive. I felt her dark mocha coloured cheeks as tears came down my face. I felt as everything was in slow motion. Her skin was cold and blood covered her chest. "Call the ambulance, now!" Everyone ran inside, my personal doctor ran to her. "Get her inside now." He order, I listened and picked her up. I quickly took her to her bed and laid her down. The doctor check her pulse before grabbed scissors from his pocket, he cut her shirt open and wiped some of the blood to see where the bullet was. I couldn't stop myself from sobbing. "Get him out." He order my men, I shook my head and yelled back. My men grabbed me and carried me out. I felt as if I was losing a part of myself. "No, she needs her ring. Please just let me put it on. Please?!" I cried, my men let me go. I quickly ran into the room and put her engagement ring on her wedding finger. Her lips were no longer beautiful brown, they were dull. I could not tell if she was breathing. I fell to the floor, my knees giving out on me. I was mixed with so many emotions. But out of all one stood out. Vulnerability. I have no been so scared in my life to lose someone that I love. I went numb, unable to get myself off of the floor. My men were in shock, but they had to move me so the paramedics could get by. "Echo!" I called out as they carried her to the ambulance truck, I couldn't move or function. "Echo..." Overwhelm sent me to darkness.

[Echo Cruz]

I opened my eyes to see I was in...a church? I looked around to see a golden chandelier with white designs. The room walls had beautiful art all on them. I felt no pain that I almost forgot that I committed front of front of Isaac. My eyes watered. How could I break his heart? He probably hates me. What was I thinking? I felt a bright yet calming presence, I looked up to see a tan looking beautiful man. He looked at me and smiled slightly. He held out his hands as if I was about to hug him. His hands...they had scars in the middle of both of them, I looked at his feet to see the scars also. My eyes widen and I gasped. Tears came to my eyes and I ran into his embraced. Jesus. I hugged him tightly and he hugged me back. When I opened my eyes again, I was outside a beautiful house that had a beautful green yard with a small play ground on the side. I looked at Jesus. "Am I in heaven?" I asked, he smiled. "Almost, your soul is here well apart of it." I looked at him strange, he chuckled lightly and walked to the tree that was in front of the house. I followed.

"Do you remember this place?" I shook my head, he motion for me to look at the house. I noticed a little girl that look similar to me with a beautiful black women. I gasped is that me and my mom. "Yes, that is your mother and you as a little girl." I shook my head and looked down. "She left me. She didn't want me." He sighed quietly. "She had to protect you. Echo Hendrick." I looked at him, he eyed me. "Please don't call me that." He pat my shoulder. "You have to accept who you came from. Your mother, she died to protect you. She did not want to leave you alone but for your safety...she took you to a foster's home doorstep." We appeared im front a small house, I looked my mother to see her putting me in a carseat and leaving me there. I looked down and wiped my tears. "Listen to her." Jesus order, I nodded and walked up closer. She smiled at the baby that is me and kissed her forehead. "I am sorry, sweetheart. Your father...he's a bad man that does not deserve your light. He wanted to hurt you but I am here to keep you safe, my Echo Hendrick. The Hendricks may have a bad name because of your father but we are not that. We are strong, caring and beautiful. When you grow up, you might forget me but I will not forget you. Remember you are so much more than what others tell you. Go find happiest." I cried as she knocked on the door and ran away. I hugged Jesus. "All these years I was angry at her. When all she did was protect me." He shook his head and made me look at him. "Don't dewell on the past, focus on the lesson it has given you." I nodded. We appeared back in the church. We sat down. "So Echo, why you try to destroy your beautiful body?" I looked down then at him. "I was just tired and I lost everything and everyone. So I felt as if I had nothing." He shook his head. "That is false. You have never been alone. You have me." I smiled at him. "And you have Isaac Williams and his family. Also your best friend Ryder and child is within you." I cried and shook my head. I only have Jesus. "No. I only have you. I don't know about Isaac and his family. However, I know my best friend and baby is gone." He chuckled lightly and shook his head. "That is where you are wrong again." Soon two bright lights appear and I see Ryder and a beautiful baby boy in his hands. I smiled/cried as I ran and hugged him lightly trying to not hurt the baby. "Ryder, I've missed you." He smiled at me. "I've missed you too babycakes. And you're not going to say hey to your baby boy?" I gasped and looked at the baby boy. He smiled at me and held out his small hands, I smiled and held it. "Hayden Williams." I say unknowingly, I looked at Jesus to see him smiling. "They are safe and happy." I looked back at Ryder and Hayden. "It's time for you to go back and feel the same way." I looked at Jesus to see him nod. "I can't. They don-", "You can stay but your future will change. Isaac's future will change." I gasped. "Will Isaac and I?" He smiled. "Let me just say, if you choice to not stay...your life with Isaac will get better and you will be beyond happy and repaired. Maybe even create life and love..." Jesus trailed off as we looked at Hayden. I smiled. "So Echo Hendrick, would you like to stay alive?", "How will I fix what I did?", "By accepting who you are and your mistakes, first. Then apologize to who you've done wrong to and forgive the ones who done you wrong. After that, everything will come together by time." I nodded at Jesus's words, he smiled and I hugged him tightly. "I love you, Ryder and Hayden." I say, they smiled and hugged me tight. I held Hayden and he laughed and smiled, tears fell to his cheeks. I smiled and wiped them. I held him up close. "Mother will never forget you. I will always love you with all my heart and Isaac would have adored you. Mama, will see you day. But not like this." He smiled, I kissed his forehead. "This isn't goodbye. This is see you later." I hugged Ryder again. "Tell my brother that I love him." I nodded and he kissed my forehead. I smiled at them before I closed my eyes and light appeared...

To be continued...

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