First Visit to Malfoy Manor

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Most people find it hard to imaging what living with the Severus Snape would be like, to which I say: "Don't even try, because nothing, not even imagination, compares to the reality". Despite my natural ability to haphazardly fuck things up, I had somehow managed to come out of childhood mostly unscarred. Sure, my curiosity cost me a few eyebrows, maybe a toe or two, but Dad always fixed me up and sent me out with a pat on the wrists and a written warning in my hands. Messing around with his potions was by far the most interesting past time of the school year. Of course, it meant sneaking away from my lessons, something that I felt terrible about since it always seemed to put Jessie in such a state. One time, just as I was about to add some conspicuous looking slime to a boiling cauldron, Jessie at apparated next to my elbow and grabbed the vial from my hands, shrieking bloody murder the whole time. Poor old house elf, I was driving her crazy. Thats when Dad officially banned me from the dungeons. The dungeons. Where was I supposed to live, I had asked. 

"Until you can prove to me that you are no longer a liability to yourself, you will live in the west wing, next to the kitchens, where a house elf will escort you to and from the Great Hall. You shall take your lessons in your room for two weeks, and — ah ah uh, no,  I will hear no complaining," he had said, shaking his head at me. 

"Do you understand what an awful feeling this is, not being able to trust my own daughter?" he had asked.

Can't remember what I told him, but it was probably rude. Sorry dad.

Well, two weeks alone in my room was worse than attending lessons, so by the time it was over I had already vowed to never mess with Dad's potions ever again. A real shame it is too, because I thought I was getting quite good at it. Sure, I couldn't follow instructions for shit, but if Jessie hadn't stopped me, then who knows, I could have created something beautiful.

You're probably wondering, hey, Hazel, you're only nine, why are you taking lessons?

Well, you bring up a good point, to which I reply, actually, I ten in three days, but that doesn't matter. Dad doesn't want me to waste my time here, not when I have "the greatest opportunity" to better myself.

Honestly, I think he's just a bit worried at how slow I am, and doesn't want me falling behind when I "officially" attend Hogwarts. I don't know why he's so worried though. Fred and George are terrible at school, but they still seem to have a great time.

The other day we all went up to the astronomy tower, and they showed me a new trick of theirs. Fred would jump off the balcony, acting as though he had slipped in a puddle, and then George would make a big fuss about it, shrieking worse than Mrs Norris, and then Fred would pop back up like a rocket on his invisible broom. 

Fred and George were great to hang out with, amazing explorers they were, seemed to know more about the castle than I did, but they were always in classes, so most of my day was spent alone. Exploring the castle for new hiding places had become boring by then. The paintings on the walls seemed to have nothing new to say, besides gossip, and seeing as I was only ten years old, I hadn't much use for gossip about the pair of sixth years who were hooking up in the empty classrooms of the east wing. 

Sometimes, when I had done my lessons for the day, I would join one of the professors during their class, helping them with all sorts of things, like carrying books or acting as an assistant. It didn't really matter that they didn't actually need my help, I think that they just wanted me to feel included. Plus, I got to pick up a lot of useful information that I may never have known, like how singing toads should NEVER be stroked, no matter HOW cute they look in their bow ties. Jimothy von Scrab lost two fingers like that. 

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