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Hazel's diary

Dear diary,


I was not a tour guide for Angelo and his friends! In fact, his friends weren't even there for the most part!

I mean, sure, I showed them all how to get to Hogsmeade, but after that they all just sort of disappeared? 

Whatever, I got to spend most of the day with Angelo....and guess what... HE KISSED ME!! HE ACTUALLY KISSED ME!

OK, OK, let me explain how it happened, just so that all you lovely readers get to feel the anticipation that I felt.


OMG, no, I can't, I'm still getting butterflies. 

I haven't even told anybody yet—you guys are the first to know.

Should I tell anybody? I sort of like that no one knows. 

I mean, obviously I don't want the whole school to know, that would feel like an invasion of privacy—also, what if Angelo doesn't want other people to know?

But I do kinda want to tell my friends, just to show off a little bit. When Paxton from the year above kissed Rosemary, she told us the second she got back to the dorm, but right now, I'm sitting on my bed, writing this all in here, and they don't know anything. They don't even know that I went out with Angelo alone, all that they knew was that I was going to show him  and his friends how to get to Hogsmeade. When I had told them that, they had wanted to come along too, obviously, but then Tamika had to leave to hang out with her boyfriend, Jefferson, and Rosemary had detention with McGonagall for transfiguring her textbook into the latest issue of Witch Weekly.

Right now, Tamika is painting her toe nails and Rosemary is jamming out to a muggle song—hold on, let me ask her what it's called. 

She says it's called "Living on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi.

Anyways, maybe I should just keep this to myself.

Idea: nail polish that changes colour based on mood; Tamika agrees.


Dear diary,

Spent the whole day with Hermione in Hogsmeade. Saw Angelo hanging out with his friends in the Three Broomsticks, but I told him that I had to prepare for a friends surprise birthday party so I couldn't join them (ANGELO CALLED ME BAMBINO!!! THAT MEANS BABY IN ITALIAN—i think)

Hermione blushed a lot when Viktor Krum started talking to her—very suspicious, but she clammed up when I asked her about it.

Harry's been stressing about the first task, so he wasn't much of a help picking out presents for Ron's party. 

We went to the hobby shop and I saw some magic model ships that Draco might like, but they were very expensive. Normally, I would be able to afford them within the next week, but the Potter's Premium Potions business has really been affected since Harry's been chosen to compete in this competition thing—half my customers seem to think my brother is some sort of cheater!

Hermione and Ginny were trying to help me find some ways to cheer up Harry, and Ginny thought that we could throw him a surprise party, too. I reminded her that mine and Harry's birthday is long gone by, and she said that he just needs to feel appreciated and supported. I proposed that she should go give him a kiss to cheer him up, but Hermione vetoed that idea pretty quickly. (Ginny didn't seem to mind though—hehe, lOvE iS iN tHe AiR).

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