The Knight Bus

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"You know, this is probably one of my more memorable birthdays," said Hazel.

Harry snorted and went back to nervously playing with his wand. They were sitting on the sidewalk, three blocks away from the Dursley's house, which was about as far as they were able to carry their trunks. 

"I suppose we've really done it this time."

"Yep," said Hazel.

"We're going to get kicked out of Hogwarts."


"Can't we explain what happened though? Can't we ask for a trial, like last year?"

"I don't think that they are going to be so understanding this time, Harry. We just sent our aunt into outer space."

"You don't think there's any chance you could start crying again in front of the jurors?"

"I don't think that I'll be able to, I'm not the least bit sorry she's gone."

The sky was growing dark and the warm summer's day was slowly fading away as the wind blew a chilly breeze over the two teenagers. Hazel suggested that they go back for their bikes, but Harry asked her how she planned on loading her trunk on it and riding all the way to the nearest bus stop.

Before they could get into a real argument, a movement caught Harry's eye. Across the street, there was something, some sort of animal, hiding in the shadows of the garage. Hedwig gave a threatening hoot, and Hazel only noticed anything after Tabatha had whispered that she smelt something strange. Slowly, a pair of bright yellow eyes peaked out of the shadows, and a large black paw stepped into the light. Before the dog could make any other movement, Harry had stuck his wand out and was about to send a curse it's way when there was a deafening BANG and Harry had to shield his eyes against a sudden blinding light. A violently purple triple decker bus appeared out of nowhere and it rushed towards the Potters; Hazel screamed, thinking that it was going to run them over. Thankfully it didn't, but Hedwig screeched indignantly.

A conductor in a purple uniform leapt out of the bus and began to speak loudly to the night. "Welcome to the Knight Bus; emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard. Just stick out your wand hand, step on board, and we can take you anywhere you want to go. My name's Stan Shunpike, and I will be your conductor for this eve—"

The conductor stopped abruptly. He had just caught sight of Harry and Hazel, who were still sitting on the sidewalk with wide eyes. Harry stood up quickly and tried to look like he had summoned them on purpose. Close to, he saw that Stan Shunpike was only a few years older than he was; eighteen or nineteen at most, with large, protruding ears and a fair few pimples.

"What're you doin' down there?" Stan asked Hazel, dropping his professional manner.

"Just sitting," said Hazel.

" 'Choo sitting for?" sniggered Stan.

"It's a free world, isn't it?" she shot back quickly.

Harry quickly jumped in before she could insult the conductor, not wanting to be left sitting on the sidewalk. This was probably going to be their only opportunity to get out of there.

"So—so this bus, did you say it goes anywhere?" asked Harry, figuring that if they were going to get kicked out of the wizarding world, they might as well make a stop by Gringotts and get as much gold as they could carry.

"Yep," said Stan proudly, "anywhere you like, long's it's on land. Can't do nuffink underwater. 'Ere,' he said, looking suspicious, "you did flag us down, dincha? Stuck out your wand 'and, dincha?"

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