Figure You Out (Zayn Malik Fanfic)

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He never talked.

He just sat there looking at the wall like some freak.

I kind of wanted to talk to him, but I myself was way too shy. But i wasn't his kind of shy. I was more of a, i don't usually start a conversation kind of shy. Zayn was a don't talk to me because i won't answer kind of shy. Me and my best friend Harry both noticed that. I never really noticed his lack of speaking. I didn't even know who he was. But then I figured out he was in the Orchestra with me.

He joined last minute on the violin. Me and Harry just watched him struggle to hold the large instrument, and when he got angry he would scrunch up his nose, push back his black quiff, and drop the instrument.
I guess he was good looking. He had very nice hair, a smooth face, nice hazel eyes and wore glasses often. He would sit at a lunch table by himself, working out math problems. I wouldn't call him a nerd, I'd just call him mysterious.

Harry began to kick a rock across the sidewalk and into the streets. It would get me irritated how entertained he was by kicking a rock into a sewer.

"It's not hurting you, Kimmy," he would say. Then I would have to remind him to stop calling me Kimmy in public. Even though I reminded people that so much, there was no use. It was kind of a nickname that stuck. People say its cute like me. I wouldn't necessarily call myself cute.
I had short blonde curls and big grey eyes. People try to correct me and say they're blue, but i knew for a fact they were grey.

I had known Harry for 7 years. We had met in the 4th grade when he had kept asking me to borrow my yellow crayon because he kept breaking his. It was funny because he had a yellow in his box, it just wasn't the right shade to him. Harry had always been specific with things. Like if I make him cookies they have to be the funfetti halloween ones. It pissed me off sometimes, but other then that he was like a ditzy little brother.

"So you thinking about asking him today?"

"I don't know, what if he says no?"

"Then ask him why,"

"Harry, you don't just do that," He generally worried me sometimes.
"What if he doesn't like yogurt. He will obviously say no to my request," i sighed and blew some hair from my face.

"Who doesn't like yogurt?" Harry asked

"Who doesn't like nutella?"

"It tastes funny to me, okay?"

I laugh and jump onto the bus, sitting in my same seat, as if we had a seating chart.

"There he is, now's your chance!" I look forward to see Michael talking to the boy next to him.

"I can't," I gulped and bit my lip.

"Then i'll do it for you,"

"Harry, no,"

Last time I tried to ask a guy out I ended up throwing up on him. It wasn't an event i wanted to bring up, or have happen again.

"I'll do it later," I say, nervously rolling my eyes. Harry knew that meant I wasn't going to. He gave me that stare that made me smile. I was surprised Harry didn't have a girlfriend. I always thought of him as handsome.
He has bright green eyes that pop out at you and swoopy curls that shape his face. He's rather tall standing next to me and always wears a cross necklace. When the bus arrived, I stepped out, trying to stay out of contact with Michael and his friends. I tryed to distract harry so he wouldnt do his usual embarrising, "HI" that he would scream on the top of his lungs.

We both entered the orchestra room. Harry grabbed his cello and I grabbed my violin. As Harry began to sit in the back, Zayn came by and sat next to me. i stared at him for a second, then pulled out my bow to play. I began to work on "Secrets" my favorite warmup on the violin, when i suddenly heard a little voice.

I turned to see Zayn who was just watching me.

"You're really good," he said. I have never heard him talk before.

"Thank you," I say back. I really liked his voice. It was quiet and a bit hard to understand, but sweet.

I began to play a few more notes, and realized he was still examining me. After a while, I thought about talking to him, but I didn't.

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