chapter 21

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“I’m scared,” I told the doctor, whom was waiting outside Zayn’s hospital room. “What’s wrong with him?” my eyes watered and I clenched my purse.

“He is on the urge of lung cancer, He’ll be ok. I’m not sure what caused it though,” the doctor said this calmly, and I relaxed.

“He smokes,” I told him.

“That’s probably the cause of it. He also needs stitches. Somehow he has a a rather large gash on his right hand,”

I opened my mouth, but decided not to tell him Zayn had hurt himself. They probably would send him to get help, or put him on some kind of pills.

“Can I possibly see him?” I curiously asked.  I could tell this guy was getting annoyed with me, so he let me enter the room.

Zayn was plugged up to a machine to help him breath, and he had bandages wrapped around his hand. I watched his chest slowly go up and down as he breathed, I leaned over and touch his hand, and he jumped a bit, startled. “I was sleeping, “ Zayn said, removing the mask around his mouth.

“I saw. You worried me,’ I said, laughing a little. Why was I laughing?

“I didn’t expect that,”

I leaned over next to his bed and grabbed his unwounded hand. “Never scare me like that again,”

“I can’t promise,”

I could feel some tears in my eyes, and I quickly wiped them away. “Zayn, you need to stop smoking,”


“It’s killing you. Along with slashing yourself with a knife,” I could feel more tears coming out.

“Well maybe-“

“No, maybe. Your not going to die on me Zayn. You said you cared about me. You can’t just leave me,”

Zayn bit his lip. “Okay,” he simply said, and then sighed. “I won’t” he then put his breathing mask back on and shut his eyes. I sat in the room, listening to him breath for a while, and then was forced to sit out in the hallway. I didn’t leave though. I sat in the waiting room for as long as it took. I was pretty sure it had been an hour, till Zayn finally walked out of the room.

“Nice dress,” I retorted.

“It’s a hospital gown, stupid,”

I laughed and took his hand. “I can’t believe you waited for me,” he said, brushing back his hair. His face and hands were sweaty due to being in the bed so long. I held his hand anyways. “I called your mom,”


“Zayn, I think she’s given up on you,” I felt bad saying this, but it was true.

“I figured,” Zayn said and shuffled his feet. We both got into my car and Zayn peeked into my trunk to see if I had his motorcycle packed safetly.

“I stayed for a reason Zayn,” I turned on the engine and grinned at him. He smiled, showing off a discolored tooth.

“I care about you too,” I said smiling. “Now tell me, were all those things the reasons you like me orr..” I gave him a funny face.

“I mean, you got a pretty sexy body too… if that’s what you’re asking,”

I blushed a bit and turned the wheel. “I’m just glad your ok,”

Zayn moved his hand around, amazed at the stitches. “Can you, not drop me off home,” he finally said. “How about we both hang at Harry’s? I’m sure he’ll be fine with it,”

“That sounds great,”


 I really hoped things would go back to how they were. Me and Zayn hanging out throughout the week, and me and Harry watching movies all weekend. I didn’t see Zayn smoke one cigarette, and he began to stop coughing. I wanted to show him that there were other things to care about in the world. It would help him to stop hating and blaming himself. He began to get really amazing at the guitar. Often he would invite me over, just so I could hear a new tune he had learned.

“I drew another picture,” Zayn presented a canvas to me. It was a picture of an arm, carrying a guitar. I could see it represented his arm, because of the tattoos drawn across the arm detailed.

The one thing I admired about Zayn was that he wasn’t constantly wanting to get up into my pants like a usual bad boy. Instead he’d crack a few sly remarks, and we’d talk on hours end. We talked about art, guitar, motorcycles, and often each other. He began to go to school again  too, which made me happy, considering I could see him more, but he didn’t sleep at home. Often he’d sleep in the library, and on rare occasions he’s knock on my door at 1:00 asking if he could sleepover.

“It’s beautiful, Zayn,” I said, taking a bite of a fry. As I leaned over for a hug, somebody tapped on my back. It was Victoria and Calum. Oh, perfect.

“Coming back for more, Calum?” Zayn clenched a fist and I shook my head violently. “Zayn, I’m sorry,” Victoria quietly said, but Zayn just continued to eat. “I just came by to say sorry to you, Kimberly. I’ve been such a terrible person lately,”

“it’s ok, Calum,” I said, making sure Zayn didn’t snap anything back. “I have to go, Cal,” Victoria kissed Calum and left.

“Why do you even like her?” Zayn, finally said, his mouth full.

“Because she’s amazing, sweet, and loyal. You liked her too Zayn. You’re just upset because she’s over you,”

“She’s a liar, and I don’t care about her,” Zayn said.

“Yes you do. Don’t try to act all badass when you really aren’t,”

“You don’t know anything about me,”

“I actually do,”

Zayn squinted his eyes at Calum. “How?”

“I’m dating your ex, Zayn. She would know you as well as yourself,”

“That’s not true. I barely told her anything. She hung with my brother too much. That’s probably why she lied and ran away with him,”

“I know enough, Zayn,” Calum sighed and kicked around at the ground. “I don’t want to fight you. I just wanted you to know that you’re not tricking anyone,”

Calum then left and I turned to Zayn. “What was that about?”

“Nothing. He’s a jerk, that’s all,”

“How much did you love her?” I asked, my eyes wide.

“I never loved her,” Zayn said. “I liked her a lot. But she’s not worth it now,”

“She seems so nice though,”

“She’s not,” Zayn said.

He was right. She must’ve been terrible. Somebody strong enough to hurt  somebody like Zayn, must’ve been terrible.

“You know I love you right?”


“I just wanted to remind you,”

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