chapter 24

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I began to talk to Michael and Calum again. Not as much, but we weren’t like sworn enemies or anything. Louis and I became pretty close, considering the fact he’s technically close buds with Harry . People still don’t really associate with me though. I guess it was because I’m still considered the girl who ran away with that weird Zayn kid. Zayn still stayed the same guy at school. A bit sarcastic, and still quiet and isolated. Then one say Zayn approached me in the halls and asked me a question.

“Hey Kimmy,” he said, reached down to grab my waist. I squirmed and laughed.”Yeah?”

“I’m thinking of going back home,”

“Really?” my eyes widened and I hugged him.

“Yeah, but I might need somebody to come, as evidence I didn’t beat up my mom on purpose kay?” he joked.

“I’ll help you approach your mom, Zayn. I bet she’s worried sick about you,” I hugged him tighter, not wanting to let go. People stared, but I didn’t care. Nobody would understand us. Only we understood eachother.

“You don’t have to, Kimmy,” he chuckled a bit. “There’s no need to baby me,”

“I know. I just wanted to tell her some things too,”

“As long as they’re appropriate,”

“When am I ever innapropriate?”

Zayn smiled his warm smile and I hugged him again.

“She deserves to know what kind of persona you are,”

“She does. I’ve lived with her for so many years. She doesn’t like the person I am,”

“She says I’m a pain and I need to quit running away. I tell her to shut up. I’ve always been here to defend her and she calls me a crazy devil child,”

I shook my head at his negativity. “We’re here to make things right, Zayn,”

“You should be a therapist,” Zayn snorted, sliding up against my locker.

“I have a hot temper. I’d probably slap a kid,”

Zayn poked my waist and I squirmed, then he sprinted away laughing. He could be so immature sometimes. But that was another thing I liked about him.


“You’re doing this to me again,”

“What? Making you like me?”

“You are unbelievably beautiful,” he said, kissing my nose, as a blushed. “Maybe if all goes well, we could go out to dinner tonight,” I suggested.

“With my mom?”

“Sure, why not?”

“She is the most stubborn person on the universe,”

“Like you? I figured you got it from someone,” I joked.

“Shut up,” he giggled, knocking on the door. We waiting for a good 3 minutes, and finally she opened the door. I felt like a trick or treater begging for candy.


“Hi mom,”

“Where have you been?” she reached out for a hug. “I thought you were never coming home,”

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