chapter 4

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I open Harry's door to see Michael standing there. Don't pass out. Don't say something stupid.

"Hi, Michael," I say calmly. He begins to wave but harry shoves through him and grabs my hand.

"Heyy Kimmy come in!" He pulls me over to the couch and i watch Zayn slowly trail behind. Harry just stares at Zayn and then looks at me.

"Harry, remember this is Zayn," Harry looked at Zayn and Zayn bit his lip.

I was hoping Zayn didn't say anything rude to Harry. Harry had always been sensitive.

I turned to see Michael laughing and talking to Calum in the kitchen. Let's say Michael was gorgeous. Well, at least i think so. i had always been into weird guys. Michael always changes up his hair color.
He's gone from blue to green to pink, and now it was black with slight purple highlights. Calum was the least of my worries. Sure, I was still nervous around him, but had no actual feelings for him. He was cute. Black hair, brown eyes, but was always talking about some sort of cartoon and his pet chinchilla.

"So Harry, is Kimberly your girlfriend?"

Harry began to laugh his deep laugh and nudged Michael. "I've know Kimmy since 4th grade. We're like siblings,"

"Ah so she's on the market," Calum elbowed Michael.

I felt awkward. All these boys' talking about me.

"So who's your friend," Michael blinked his big eyes and looked towards Zayn who was doodling on his arms. I then realized what i hadn't realized before. Zayn had giant black tattoos across his arm. Not like 1 or 2, but like a whole sleeve. It made him look almost dangerous.

"Zayn," I said quietly, still nervous that Michael Clifford was talking to me.

"Hi Zayn. i like your tats. They're sick," Michael said turning on Harry's tv.
"So you two going to the party next Saturday?"

"What party?" Harry asked, examining his goldfish.

"Cal's throwing a New Years Party. You two wanna go?"

Michael just invited me to a party. I could feel my heart race. Harry could tell I was freaking out. He was making funny faces at me.

"Sure, we'll go," he says joining me on the couch.

"What about you?" Michael motions at Zayn.

"I don't go to parties,"

"Who doesn't go to parties?"

I could see Zayns face grow hot.
"I just don't okay? I have better things to do?"

"Jeez man, sorry," Michael made a weird face at Zayn and grabbed his keys. "Me and Cal have hockey practice to go to, see ya Harry," Him and Calum both went to the door. "Bye Kimmy,"

Great, now he was calling me Kimmy.

"Why didn't you make your move?" Harry grabbed a bag of chips and slipped in beside me.

"It didn't come up," I said, nervously pursing my lips. "Zayn wanna go to a movie with us or something?"

Harry always tried to offer things to people he didn't know. It worried me how fast he made friends.

"We're not friends," Zayn said. I thought he was joking at first, but then realized that he never joked. I don't think I've ever seen him laugh or smile. Could he laugh or smile?

Harry didn't answer. He just kinda snickered and looked at me. I could always read his emotions. This emotion was kind of a, "Wow this guy has issues," kind of face. Zayn then got up from the couch and put his jacket back on.

"I have to go." he began to leave.

"Already?" Harry managed to stay nice.

"I have this issue, where i don't like to hang with people like you, too long," he gave a half smile at Harry, and calmly left. Us two exchanged glaces again.

"Okay, what's this guys deal? Why does he hate me so much?"

I shrugged my shoulders and pushed back my headband. "I think he hates everyone," i sighed. "He's just.. so," i didn't know what to even say about him. But for some reason I didn't want to stay away. I wanted to talk to him. Find out what goes on inside his head. It killed me to not know.

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