chapter 10

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  I didn’t know why, but I felt embarrassed. He wasn’t even my boyfriend, and I felt embarrassed.

  “Zayn? What are you doing here?” I screamed this at him, and he got up, stumbling. “Heyy…” he reached out for my hand, then fell onto the couch. “Why the hell is he here?” Calum shouted.

  People began to whisper things and my face felt hot again. “Zayn!” I shouted. He got back up and grabbed my wrists. “Kimm baby,” He was drunk, without a doubt. I couldn’t believe he would come down here and stumble around. I grabbed his wrists and began to drag him to the bathroom, despite the fact the whole school was staring at me. I pushed him into the room and locked the door. Immediantly he hurled towards the toilet, and stuffed his face into it, retching. I shut my eyes, disgusted by the sight. Finally he lifted his head up, and went to the sink to rinse his mouth. I impatiently waited for him to dry his mouth. When he finished I groaned at him.

  “Zayn, what are you doing?”

  “I don’t know. I’m drunk,”

I sighed and grabbed the towel to wipe his shirt off. I dabbed at it lightly. “I could tell. Why the hell would you come here if you were wasted?”

“I was looking for you,”


Zayn put his finger to his mouth, “I don’t know,”

“You can’t just do this, You ruined the party,”

Zayn looked terrible. His eyes were bloodshot and his hair was matted everywhere. His shirt was fully unbuttoned and I could see his stained undershirt. He reeked of beer, and now vomit. “Here’s some gum,” I handed him a piece and he unwrapped it. “I can’t go back home,”

I took a piece of gum for myself and cocked my head, “How come?”

“I took my dad’s alcohol,”

“He probably won’t find out,”

“No, I grabbed it from him. He was..” Zayn paused to cough, “Getting abusive again,”

My eyes widened. I had no idea his dad was like that.

“He’s an alcoholic, Kimberly. It irritates me so bad. So I took it for myself,”

“And then drove here?!”

Zayn sighed, “I guess,” A little wince came from his throat, and he held his arm. He took off his jacket and a large gash was across his shoulder blade. “I didn’t see that table there,”

I hated seeing someone hurt. I quickly ran, grabbed some toilet paper, and began to lightly pet his wound with it. “I promise this won’t happen again,” he quietly said. I never had seen him look guilty. A new emotion to add to the list. “It’s fine,” I lied. I put pressure on his cut and noticed there was a tiny cut under his neck. I licked my finger and began to wipe the blood but he jumped back a little, like a scared puppy. “Sorry, I’m err... ticklish there,”

I laughed at how embarrassed he was to admit that.

“You know, Zayn, you act like you don’t care about me, and that you find everybody annoying, but really… that’s not true,”

Zayn’s eyebrow shot up and his face went serious. “What makes you think I care about you?”

“Your first drunk instinct was to come and see me,” I knew I had backed him into a corner.

“So? I’m drunk. I don’t think clear,”

“Whatever you say, tough boy,” I removed the toilet paper from his wound and looked at the pink scar. “I really liked the library,”

“You’re the first,” he snickered and shooed my hand away from tending anymore of his cuts. I could hear the people outside counting down from 50 seconds. I was tempted to go out there, but decided it was better off if I stayed hidden in the bathroom. “You know, I think your just afraid,”

I’m afraid?” he giggled a little this time. “What could I possibly be afraid of?”

“Telling people your story. I’ve gotten bits and pieces, and I’m slowly putting them together,” I grabbed his jacket off the sink counter and helped him put it back on.




“I guess you could just call me-“

“Mysterious,” I cut him off. He nodded and fully smiled this time. He bit his tongue a bit while doing so, but I could actually spot his teeth, and could see his eyes crinkle up.


“Your gonna hate me for this,” Zayn touched my hand a bit, and it caught me off guard. “I already hate you,” I joked putting my hands in my pockets



“Well I guess there’s no need to worry then,” Zayn said, now fully reaching for my hand. I grabbed his.


As soon as the number struck, I heard streamers blow and fireworks go off. I smiled, imagining what was going on out there. As soon as I reached for the doorknob, Zayn pulled me back. Then his lips met mine. I was caught off guard, and almost fell backwards. But I caught myself, and kissed him back. It felt nice for a minute, but then something struck me and I realized what I was doing. What was I doing? Zayn was a rude, immature, terrible per-

The door swung open and we both jumped back. It was Calum Hood.


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