chapter 6

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"So how was your date with Zayn?"

"It wasn't a date," I said shoving Harry. He caught himself this time and sat back on his barstool. "Sounded like a date Kimmy. I thought you hate him?"

"I do. It..It's complicated,"

"So how can you explain the fact your going to his house tommorow?" Harry gave me his cheeky grin.

"I'm giving him more violin lessons,"

"Yeah thats what they ALL say, then the boys mom makes them chocolate pudding, then they get cozy and talk, then they decide to move the "tutoring" to the bedroom. then they get tired, then they get into the bed and-"

"Harry, I swear you have the strangest imagination,"

"That's why you love me Kimmy," he half smiled showing dimples and i laughed. "So what is he even like? Not that i even care," Harry bit the inside of his lip and traced the tattoo on his arm. I knew Harry had tattoos. They never bothered me. They didn't really mean anything and if he liked them then i was ok with them. "Well we sat apart but we talked about family and thats about it. He was too distracted by eating then talking to me,"

"Aren't all guys?" Harry snickered and grabbed my hand. "You sleeping over tonight?"

"Can't. Mom wants me home because of the detention,"

"Okay Kimmy, Love you,"

"Love you too Haz,"


It was the weirdest tutoring i had ever done.

Lets begin with the fact Zayn looked completely different. I was guessing it was because he was at home and felt like it was fine, but it kind of caught me off guard.

He wasn't wearing his glasses, his hair was everywhere, and he was shirtless. All he had on was sweatpants. I could count every tattoo on his body.

Right when we picked up the violin to begin I cringed.
Was he serious? Did he seriously think i could concentrate with his abs staring up at me?

Instead he sat back, ready to learn. One thing that didn't change was his personality. He was still stubborn and rude towards me. And he still had that blank expression, that looked as if he hated life or wanted to kill everyone.

I actually liked the way he looked without glasses though. It gave him a less geeky look and more of a... i couldnt help but think it made him look hot.

"Ok so, you know all the chords now, right?"


"Now do you think you can play exercise 3 with me now?"



"I don't know how,"

"Yes you do i just taught you last time,"

"I forgot,"

This boy made my temper go up. "How would you like me to teach you?"

"You could play me the exercise first, and then maybe I could get it right,"

His tone sounded sarcastic but his face was serious, so i nodded. I played the piece smoothly and slowly, and made sure to slide my bow gracefully, so it took on a beautiful tone. When i finished I expected an applause but just got a nod. Harry always applauded when i played and I guess thats why i expected it.

"That was good," Zayn said looking at his feet.

"Now you play," I demanded.

He began to play 3 decent notes and then stopped.

"I can't make it sound as good as yours,"

"Thats ok, go on,"

"Can you play it again?"

I tilted my head back and layed it on his couch in frustration.

"You're doing this on purpose aren't you?" I whined.

He shrugged. "I guess i can't concentrate,"

"You can't concentrate?

"What, am i making you feel uncomfortable?"

I could tell by his face that he went shirtless on purpose. He wanted to see my reaction. I swear this kid makes no sense.

"I can concentrate better upstairs. Want to go up there?" he asked.


As I went up the stairs I could hear Harry's voice in my head, repeating the little story he had said yesterday. I ignored it though. I had nothing to worry about.

When we went upstairs, Zayn put a tanktop on and i sighed in relief. I was a bit curious though about some of his tattoos. i wanted to ask, but it would show i was looking at his abs.

"So, you wanted me to play this exercise?" He pointed at the book and i nodded, hoping he wouldnt ask me to play again for him.

I was then surprised, because without any hesitation he played the whole thing.

"Wow that was good. You sure you even need me here? Is this some kind of trap?" i humored him.

Then something amazing happened. Zayn laughed. It wasn't like a doubled over laughter, nor a "that was a funny joke" laughter. It was like a giggle. A cute little laugh. It wasn't the laugh that I liked though. It was the fact i could see his smile. It was nice. I only got a glimpse of it, but it was nice.

"Okay well, I'm going to go take a shower. You can leave if you want to," He touched my hand a little, then grabbed his phone which was next to my hand. "Thank you," he said. His tone actually sounded nice when he said this.
Well not really, nice, but pleasant. He left for his bathroom. I sat alone in Zayn's room. He had a weird taste in design. His walls were dark brown and had almost bamboo like texture. His carpet was a sandy color and he had little figurines of wood ancient objects displayed on his desk. One wall in the corner had complete grafitti all over it.
He had candy wrappers all over his dresser, but other then that, he was quite organized.
Then i saw on his floor there was a little box. I leaned over to pick it up. it was a pack of cigarettes. Didn't he have ashthma? I sighed and dropped the box. I would never figure this boy out. And i really wanted to be able to.

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