chapter 20

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I didn’t know what to do. I felt terrible. I knew Zayn wasn’t abusive. He was just protective. But now he was hurt.

I wanted to go see him. To make things right. To tell him everything was going to be ok. But I couldn’t find him. Not at his house, not at school. Not even at the library. Then suddenly I remembered what he had said. He wanted to get on the motorcycle and ride, far far away. Away from everyone and everything. I guaranteed that’s probably what he did. I felt like I had lost him. Mentally, and Physically. I kind of felt like a dog owner. I didn’t care what he had done, I just wanted him to come back home.

I rang on Zayn’s doorbell, and patiently waited. Zayn’s mom opened the door, and I immediately stepped in. “Mrs. Malik, can I talk to you?”

“Who are you again?”

“Kimberly Baker,”

She suddenly nodded and acted as if she recognized me.

“I wanted to know if you knew where Zayn is,”

“He hasn’t been home in days love,”

I sighed, “DO you know a place where he would go?”

Mrs. Malik put her finger to her chin. ”He used to like to go to this lake downtown.” She shrugged. “I dunno if he’d be there. I don’t know who he is anymore. Probably a killer or something,” she looked at theground and I shook my head. “Your son is an amazing person, believe me,”

She looked up with a bit of hope, then looked back down. “Thank you maam,” I simply said, then set off to find the lake downtown.

I drove and drove and drove, searching for a hint of water. After about 25 minutes of driving, finally spot a motorcycle parked by a fountain. I got out of my car and approached it. It was red, with black flames on the sidem abd had the word MALIK in big black lettering on the back.

I looked around, and spot Zayn sitting by the lake. He was resting his head on his knees, as if he was…crying. I ran up from behind him and said very quietly. “Zayn, it’s me, Kimberly,” He looked up at me, caught off guard. He had been crying. His eyes were red and puffy, and his face was pale. Sitting next to him, was that same knife I had found in the library. The only difference, was that there was fresh thick blood on it. 

Zayn sniffled, and I noticed there was a large gash across his hand, as if he had stabbed himself in the hand.

“Zayn,” I said, touching his back.

“I only want to keep you safe, Kimberly,” he said, rubbing his eyes. Blood began to smear across his face, and I quickly wiped it away.

“It’s okay Zayn. I don’t like Michael. He’s…. not right. There’s no way he suddenly decided to want to date me,”

“That’s why I got angry,”

“I know, Zayn,” I grabbed his arm, and wrapped it around me.

“You need to quit doing this to me,” Zayn began to cry again. I hated to see him cry. It was the worst thing I had ever watched. “…Making me want to care about you. I never care about people. And if I do, I never care about them this much,” he swallowed and looked down at his hand.

“The issue is, I can’t stop caring about you. I don’t even like myself enough to want to stay. But I only stay because I care about you way too much to want to leave,”

I watched the blood from his hand, drip down his pants, and onto the stone floor. I didn’t know what to say. I felt the same way? Instead of telling him, I kissed his forhead, hoping it would help. He suddenly began to yell.

“See?  Little things like that make me want to love you Kimberly Baker,” he slammed his fist onto the fountain side.

“So what your saying it, you hate this?”

“No. I absolutely love being with you. I love your awkward comments, and how you get nervous. I like how you can’t talk properly to a guy, and how you twirl a lock of your hair when you talk about something serious. I love your laugh, and your grey eyes,” Zayn began to breath heavily now.  “ I just wish,”

Zayn coughed and grabbed for my hand. I waited for him to answer, but instead the worst thing possible happened. Zayn collapsed on the floor coughing. 


short. but effective:)

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