Chapter 29

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It was hard to forget. Hard to forget those beautiful hazel eyes. Hard to get over his pout and his shaped jawline. The way he wore his hair natural around me, and told me how beautiful I was everyday. I couldn’t say goodbye to the way he held me just right, and was nervous to tell me his secrets. How he got angry about the fact he couldn’t stop loving me, and his little stubborn comments. The month had passed, and it consisted of our goodbyes and watching marathons of Disney movies together.

And then his mom dragged him away from me. Back to Chicago. Back to fulfill what his dad would have wanted. And I was left all alone. To finish high school year without him.

I sat in class, staring at my feet. I didn’t bother to raise my hand. I just sat, and cuddled with the sweatshirt Zayn had given me. It had his scent on it. Harry and Louis were very close now. Sometimes I thought he wanted to be around Louis more than me. But he didn’t. we still had our sibling relationship. But he began to become sad since I was sad. And I would comfort him, but I couldn’t even keep my self together.

But the dreams were the worst. The dreams I had about Zayn. Some were happy, and some brought me to tears. The happy ones were usually dreams where we were laying together in a field of flowers. He would be singing in my ear “everythings ok,” and tell me not to cry. He would say he loved me and we would dance in the field, not caring if anybody saw us. And sometimes I wished I would wake up and he’d be next to me asking for a dance, to make up for the times we never did dance together at prom.

The nightmares were the worst. I felt like I was dying. I couldn’t belive one person could affect me so much. I just needed to see him once. See him once, so he could take me on that motorcycle ride. I guess I knew now I was in love. But the thing that worried me was the fact he said he couldn’t live without me. What if he was serious about that. I decided to try to let things go. I needed to concentrate on school and expecially the hardest part. Graduation the next week



I ran my hands through my short hair and applied one last coat of mascara and red lipstick. I stared down at my floral dress and tied up my white sandals, satisfied. Even though I didn’t care for many people at the school, I still needed to look nice and presentable for graduation. I quickly threw a shoulder bag over my shoulder and heard my mom call me downstairs.

“Coming!” I yelled back. I walked down the stairs to see my mom standing at the bottom, carrying my blue robe and hat. I nervously smiled and presented myself.

“Oh, baby you look absolutely beautiful,” she held out her arms and I ran over to hug her. “I am so proud of you and you need to be happy on your big day,” she held my hand and I joined her and my dad in the car.

It was a silent ride over and I felt my heart beating loudly for some reason. I guess I was nervous. I had to make a big speech  in front of everyone because I signed up to do it. I guess it was because I wasn’t paying attention to what my teacher was asking and just shot my hand up. When we arrived I spot Louis standing outside of the school, looking irritated.

“Hi, Louis,” I ran up to him and he sighed.


“Why aren’t you going inside?”

I brushed back his messy hair and flicked the tassel on his hat.

“I don’t know. They told me last minute I actually was graduating, and I guess I’m a bit overwhelmed." I never thought I’d hear that come from Louis’ mouth.

“Come on, I’ll walk you in,” I linked arms with him, and put my outfit on. When we entered we sat in the front row of chairs and I turned around to see Harry smiling widely at me. It was really funny to see him wearing the hat and robe. He looked like a little immature boy wearing his older brother’s graduation outfit with a mischievous grin on his face.

He began to mouth. “I’m graduating!” over and over again and I gave him reassuring nods and laughs. The ceremony began and I felt my heart beat quickly. My teacher began to talk for what felt like hours and I felt my eyes get heavy. I guess I must’ve been half asleep for most of it, because I was awoken with a slap on the back of my head. I jumped up to see Louis had whacked me, and it was time for my speech.

I cleared my throat, held my stomach, and went to the front of the stage. Just remember Kimberley, you’ll never see these people again so there’s nothing to be scared of. As I stood, I waited for everyone to silence before I began.

I looked at my empty seat and couldn’t help but imagine Zayn sitting in that seat. Wearing the blue hat that drooped over his nose. I could imagine him looking uncomfortable in the outfit, and constantly squirming in his seat. I put my head down, and tried to get the image out of my mind, and focus on what’s important. Giving them a speech they’ll never forget, without passing out on the stage.

“Hello, fellow students. It feels like all of us had just walked through those doors, feeling out stomachs turning inside out. Okay fine, probably most of you felt confident freshman year, but I knew that I didn’t,” I spoke with a louder voice then I expected I would have. I turned to Harry who was smiling widely, along with my parents.

“I’m so honored to have been with all of you all, and I hope all of us take this moment to remember and cherish this time in our lives, when we can feel free, and not have to worry as much as we will in the future. I feel like all of us have grown closer with eachother, and I would like to thank some special people.” I turned towards my parents, my stomach doing cartwheels.

“I want to thank my parents for supporting me, and being there for me since I was little,” I grinned, now and turned towards the class, all their eyes glued to me in fascination. “I’d like to thank my best friend Harry, for never giving up on me, even though I can be a pain sometimes,” Harry stuck his tongue out at me and I chuckled. “I want to thank Calum and Michael. We may not be that close, but I’m glad to have had met you, and you two really do mean a lot to me, even though what we have been through,”

I looked at them, and they smiled brightly. I turned to Louis and he motioned at me not to say his name. he looked irritated and bored.

“And lastly,”

I heard my teacher cough, and I got the note I was talking too long. But I went on anyways.

“I’d like to thank Zayn Malik.” I swallowed hard, but felt a lump grow in my throat. “He can’t be here with us. But you all know him as that quiet boy in the back of the room. He’s more then that. He’s really sweet  and kind, and is extremely artistic and musical,” i looked at the concentrating crowd and I continued. “I’m sad he had to move away. But I just wanted to let you know that he’s amazing. He’s different. And he can care. He probably has the biggest heart you could ever imagine.” I felt tears well up in my eyes and I quickly wiped them away so nobody would notice.

All the students began to loudly clap and whistle and I began to step down from the stage. As I did so, I heard a little voice. It wasn’t really a whisper, I wasn’t sure what it was. I knew I was hearing things, and my head pounded. Im not ready to be sick. Not on this stage at least. I shut my eyes, and began to make my way down the stairs, trying not to fall or pass out. Suddenly as I shut my eyes, someones hand grabbed me and the crowd gasped.

I opened my eyes, but only saw darkeness. I had then realized, somebody’s hands were over my eyes. I stomped, and began to grab at the hands, to pull them away. As I did so, my eyes widened. A beautiful face was staring at me. His cheeks were sunken in a bit, and his eyes were as beautiful as ever. His black hair was swooped over a bit and messy, and he was in a hoodie and jeans. Zayn Malik was standing right in front of me. I started to breath heavily. I opened my mouth to speak but he covered it.

“Hi Baby. I wouldn’t miss your graduation for the world,” he pecked a kiss on my cheek.

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