chapter 7

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"So, what your saying is you don't have icecream?"

"Harry, I said all I have is vanilla icecream,"

"Well you don't have Cookie Dough, so techinically you don't have any. Who doesn't buy Cookie Dough Icecream?"

I rolled my eyes at him and handed him a banana, a food I knew that he would eat. "So what do you think about the party this Sat," Harry nudged me making obnoxious sounds while doing so. "Maybe you can make a move on Michael. Or Zayn. I can't tell who you like anymore. Does Zayn even go to parties? You should ask him that. On your next date,"

"We're not dating. Why would i want to date somebody like him?"

"Because your Kimmy. You do stupid things," Harry teased me and took a bite from his banana. Suddenly I heard somebody knock on my door. I opened it and about fainted. It was Michael. He was wearing a colored tee and ripped jeans. He had one of thise awkward smiles on his face. I blushed and waved. "Hi, Michael,"

"Hey Kimberely. I just wanted to ask you something."

"Sure want to come in?"

"No, that's okay, I really have to be somewhere after this," he flipped back his blackish bangs and leaned up against the doorframe. "Okay what is it?"

"Can you um.. not bring your friend Zayn to the party?" he said this as if he was afraid I'd yell at him.

"Oh um sure, yeah,"

"Thanks. I just know two are close and wanted to make sure its ok


"No we're not close at all. Believe me.. i don't mind," He could tell I was nervous while saying this.

"Thanks Kimberly," he ran and jumped into Calums car. I slammed the door and sighed.

"I didn't puke," I said, proud of myself. I only got that nauseus feeling around certain guys for some reason. When i was around Zayn I was either frustrated or confused.

"Who was it?" Harry asked, continuing to raid my freezer for icecream.

"Mike. It was nothing,"

"Come on, make a move already," Harry scrunched up his nose.

"I'm not like you Harry. I don't get any guy i want,"

"That doesn't even make any sense,"

"Does too,"

"No it doesnt. I date girl-"


"I'm sorry its funny to piss you off,"

People often said that alot and i've began to believe it. Am i that funny to piss off? I had given Zayn my phone number to text me whenever he needed tutoring, but he never seemed to text me.
It was ironic because he was always on his phone playing flick football or flappy birds. Sometimes I wanted to be the first to text him, then I remembered what kind if person he was, and changed my mind.

The next day Zayn was back to his jerkish self. It's like that night had never happened. Fine, i take that back he was a bit different. But still rude. I asked him why he only wore glasses to school and he told me to "mind my own business and get out of his face"

It got a bit irritating at times. One second he was considerate and complimented my hair, and the next second he'd call me and idiot and make fun of Harry. The Harry part got on my nerves the most. It seemed like he had something against any guy i tryed to speak to.
To him, Harry was the curlyheaded idiot, Mike was the gay weirdo and Calum was the overexcited kitten. I had no idea what kitten had to do with anything but it must've made since to Zayn.
i was really hoping he forgot about the party though. If he showed up Mike would think i brought him, and would probably get upset since he told me not to.

At the end of the day Zayn stood waiting at my locker. It kind if surprised me, considering Harry was usually standing in that place.

"Hi," he simply said, shuffling his feet.

"Hey, Zayn," I slowly opened my locker and reached for my geometry book.

"I just was thinking," Zayn stuffed his hands in his hoodie pocket and sighed. "You like really helped me with uhh the violin and i wanted to know if u could like pay you back,"

"You gave me 30 bucks, I think your fine,"

Zayn just stared. I had a feeling he felt guilty and wanted to pay me back in a different way. I couldn't tell though. I can't read Zayn.

"Can i take you somewhere tomorrow?"

Shoot, that was when the party was. "I'm busy tomorrow,"

"What time?"

"Like 8-11,"

Why did i just give him the specific party time? Stupid Kimberly.

"I can take you at 12:00 pm. Is that ok?"

Since when had he gotten si considerate.

"Yeah sure,"

"Cool. Well bye," As he left he shut my locker. I turned to him angerly and he shot up his finger. He got me so angry sometimes.


I woke up early to Harry, attempting to stick his finger in my ear/mouth. It was something weird that he found ammusing to do. It worked though.

"Jesus, Harry quit being a creep," I rubbed my eyes and saw Harry just sitting on my bed, wearing an old tee shirt and no pants. I told him to quit coming to my house pantless when my mom was home.

"So I read your messages because your phone was just sitting there,"

I grabbed my phone and scrolled through them.

Zayn: hey so can we move it to 9

Zayn: so 9s good

Zayn: im guessing your still asleep

Zayn: get ur lazy ass up

Harry:can u make me breakfast

"What the heck Harry?"

"I got bored,"

"9?" I checked my digital minnie mouse clock to see it was 8:44. "Shoot!" I leaped out if bed and attempted to get ready in 20 minutes.
I ran my brush through my curly hair, applied a quick coat of mascara and baby lips, threw on a cami and cardigan, pulled on jeans and grabbed my converse.

"Took you long enough, your boyfriends gonna be here soon," Harry just sat on my bed playing with a Rubix cube and attempting to steal a DumDum from the secret stash I kept in a jar by my bed.

"For the last time, Harry Edward Styles, he is not my boyfriend, nor will he ever be," I said this loud and clear.

"Whatever you say "Kimberly Noel Baker" " he said, mocking my tone.

"Kay babe I gotta go, bye?" I didnt know why i said it like a question.

"Bye," Harry hugged me and I ran outside to Zayn's car. I hopped in and he started it up.

We didn't talk the first few minutes, then finally I broke the silence,
"I like you car,"

"Thanks, it's my dads." he said lowering his sunglasses. The rest of the car trip was just a mixture of me complimenting his car, and him eventually whistling little tunes, and me trying to guess what it was.

Finally we parked behind a tree and he opened the door. A big brown building was in front of us, and before i could ask where we were, he immediantly entered. It was a big library with golden walls, railing and staircases. It looked like a castle, except with books.

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