chapter 14

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“I love the show Adventure Time,” I agreed with Calum and he began to laugh. “You’re amazing,” he smiled and squinted his eyes. “I really hope you liked the movie,”

“I loved the first Spider-man, of course I’d like the second,” I nudged him as we got into his car. I had kept getting texts from Zayn today, asking what I was up to. I really didn’t want to let him know I was with Calum, so I just told him I was really sick with a cold. He bought it.

We both arrived at my house and I let him onto my couch.  “So I want to learn more about you,”

“Ok, ask me anything,” I said this confidentially, but was actually nervous.

“How about we take turns? I ask you a question, then you ask me,” he took off his grey beanie and put his hand on my leg.

“What’s your favorite color?” he asked, giving me a devious smile.

“Green.” I said right away.

“Like your earrings,” he looked up at me, and then down again. “Your turn,”

I couldn’t think of a creative question so I repeated his. “What about yours?”

“Blue,” he said. “Ocean blue. It reminds me of the beach,”

“I love the beach,” I walk over to the kitchen and open the fridge.

“Okay,” he grinned greedily this time. “Now tell me three things I would never guess about you,”

What a broad one. “Well, I love mac n’ cheese. I have a fear of death.” I grabbed an apple and sat down next to him again. “And I’m afraid to try new things,”

“New things?” Calum began to lean in, but I stopped him.

“Cal I can’t kiss you,”


“I still havn’t asked my question,”

I was glad I had an excuse to deny the kiss. Sure, there’s nothing wrong from getting a kiss from him. Technically, we were dating. But I just…

“Whats your favorite movie?”

“C’mon Kim, ask more interesting questions,”

“Like what?”

“Who did you last kiss?”

I bit my cheek, “What’s your favorite animal?”

“Are you a virgin?”

“Why are you asking questions like this?”

“Why won’t you kiss me?”

I grabbed his face and slammed my lips against his. If he wanted a kiss that bad, might as well.  After about 30 seconds, I snapped my head back. “There? You happy now?”

Calum suddenly, glared behind me in shock. I turned around to see what he was looking at, and realized who was at the door. It was Zayn. Had he seen the kiss? He blankly looked at me, then Calum, and then held up his arms, full of items. He was holding a can of soup, chocolate, and some medication.


“Um, Zayn, I swear its not-“

“I thought you said you were sick,” he didn’t sound sad. He sounded almost bored.

“I am, I mean I was, I mean Zayn I’m sorry-“

“I was going to be a good friend and make you soup and help you get better. But I see sucking this kids’ face is a better remedy for your “sickness”” he scowled at me and turned towards the door.

“No, Zayn don’t go,”

“Hmm, you weren’t lying. You really are SICK,” he spat this at me in a way that gave me chest pain.

“Dude, what’s your deal?” Calum removed his beanie and blinked, “She’s my girlfriend, its fine…”

My eyes began to burn as Zayn gave me the most hateful face ever. I guess I recognized this face. It wasn’t necessarily hateful. It was just the exact face he gave me when we barely knew each other. I guess it just seemed hateful now, considering I was starting to get used to seeing him smile. And I knew I was never going to see that smile again.


sorry it's short but I'm only human soo

Will update soon!!


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