chapter 30

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"Zayn, is that really you?" I didn't know why I asked that. It obviously was him. I was just making sure I didn't pass out on stage, and this was actually a dream. I reached for his face, and felt his beard. He blinked his hazelish eyes at me.

"It's me. I'm real," he giggled his high pitch giggle and I reached in for a kiss. The whole class let out awes, and I jump startled. I had totally forgotten I was standing right in front of the whole graduating class. I grabbed Zayn and pulled him to the side of the whole ceremony.

"But, how?"

"Do I have to explain NOW?"

"Yes. I kind of have to graduate still," I whined.

"Fine." Zayn laced his fingers in between mine like he always did. "It's almost college, and I told my mom that I was school searching. So I flew a plane here to see you, and talk to you,"

"What about?"

"We'll discuss this after, baby, let's just be happy you're graduating. That's the main reason I'm here. To see you get that diploma, Kimmy. Now go back to your seat. I won't leave. I'm right here." He kissed up my neck, and almost nipped, it and I smiled and hopped back. "I got to go now, before you give me a scar on my big day,"

"You like it baby,"

"I do,"

I ran over back to my white chair and turned to Harry who was wagging a finger at me. The service felt as if it had been an hour. The hour consisted of me, playing with the tassels on my hat, and watching Louis sneakily take a bite of a chocolate bar ever so often. Finally it was my time to go up, and receive my diploma.

"Ashley Backwood,"

Ashley ran up, to the stage, giving us all a good view of her obviously short dress that was under the blue gown, as she lifted it up to walk. I rolled my eyes, as she grabbed the diploma, and hopped off the stage.

"Kimberly Baker," I pushed back a blonde strand and slowly walked up the stage. I felt all the stares, and my shy self, kicked in.i looked at the ground as I went up and grabbed my diploma and walked off. There I had done it.
"Kimmy Kimmy!" Harry ran over and scooped me up in his arms. "Your speech was absolutely amazing!!" his green eyes were wide and he was obviously excited about all this. After he put me down, I turned to see him and Louis were staring at eachother in the cutest way possible.

I looked at them smiling and Harry shook his head at me, and I got the hint. If they wanted to be a secret I guess they could be a secret. I just thought it was adorable.

After we got a few pictures with everyone, and I put on my best "I'll miss all of you" smile, I approached Zayn who was staring at his phone in a frustrated way.

"Hi Zayn," I leaned over him and he furiously jammed his fingers on the phone. "Shit, shit shit shit shit shit,"


"Um," Zayn instantly stuffed his phone back into his pocket nervously. "Nothing,"

"Zayn, are you in trouble?"

"Kimmy, I was planning on staying here, and never going back,"

"Zayn, you can't just do that!"

Students began to approach me to talk and congratulate me, so I kissed Zayn passionately to show I was too busy. When they left I laughed a bit, then turned back to Zayn.

"Kimmy, I don't want to go back, I came here for you,"

"You can't just leave your mom down there!" I felt bad scolding him, but he really needed to take responsibility.

"I know, I can't," Zayn sighed a bit. "But aren't you happy I am here?"

"Yes of course!" I said in a defensive way.

"Then let's talk about my mom later, and lets go home and catch up,"

"I still have my parents here, Zayn,"

"Can I come home with you?"

I sighed and took his hand and dragged his slender body over to my mom and dad who instantly spun and took a million pictures of me.

"Mom, stop, okay can Zayn come home with us?"

"Go get pictures with your friends!"

"I only have like 4 friends and they all are guys, mom," I sounded pathetic saying this, but it was the truth.

Zayn came home with us and I locked us both in my room.

"Shit, Kimmy," he sighed, rubbing his hand across the side of his head. "I wanted to join your family for dinner,"

"Does your mom know you're here?" I repeated.

I watched Zayn close his eyes a bit, and suddenly he pushed me back against my bed and kissed me. I tried to pull my lips away but he kissed harder and wrapped his arms around me. Finally I pushed him away and he grunted.

"Kimmy I ran away, okay?"

"Zayn, your mom,"

"i hope she dies,"


"Kimmy," Zayn narrowed his eyes at me and his voice got deeper. "My mom has gone mad. she is staring at the wall. She wants to die. I want her to die. Nothing is working out, Kimberely. You wouldn't understand,"

I shut my eyes. "If you died I would go mad. why blame her?"

Zayn crossed his arms. "I'm selfish," he spat. He tucked me under his arms. "And I love you,"

"You're my world. I missed you," Even Considering the crap he spat at me, I couldn't deny i was glad he was here. Any longer and I would have gone mad.

And we sat and caught up. I told him about school, what he missed, how I've been, and he only sat and listened.

"And what about you?" I asked.

"Did what I was told by mum. Enrolled in a new school. Left the new school," he gave me a full smile. "And now I'm here,"

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