chapter 11

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“Some party last night, hmm Kims?” Harry woke me up with the sound of the FM radio blasting. “Team” by Lorde began to blast and I jumped out of my bed immediately. “Yeah, it was great,”

“I didn’t see you half of the party, where’d you go?”

“Cal and the boys were playing pool in the other room so I decided to join them,” I lied.

“Cool, I’m glad you got to know Cal, he’s a great guy,”

“I know,” I said, biting my lip. I really needed to stop doing that.

“Who’d you kiss at midnight?” I asked him. Wow, I’m dumb. Now he’s going to ask me who I kissed.

“This random cheerleader I met,” Harry said blinking a bunch. “She was nice, and liked to dance, so I joined her and we kind of had a moment together, you know. drinking orange juice,”

“I thought you only liked drinking orange juice with me,” I said, putting my head down.

“Kimmy, people change,” Harry said. “People. Change.”

I just stared at him for a few seconds and then got up to make breakfast. “Sunny side up, right?” I asked him. Harry nodded and opened my pantry to find the bagels. We had a breakfast routine on Sunday’s where we had eggs and peanut butter bagels, and then at around 12 we went to Starbucks for Hot Chocolate. “Who did you kiss?” Then Harry paused. “Oh wait,” he lowered his head. “I’m sorry about Mike,”

I cracked and egg on the skillet and exhaled, “It’s ok. I guess I was expecting the fact he didn’t like me that way,”

Harry nodded a little and spread some peanut butter onto the bagels. “What time is it?”

I reached over the counter to grab my phone and realized it wasn’t there. “Crap! I think I left my phone at Cal’s,”

“He doesn’t live too far. Drive over and get it. I’ll finish the eggs,”

“Promise not to spit in mine this time?”

“That was only once,”

I laughed and grabbed my keys.

As I drove over I kind of predicted Calum’s reaction. I didn’t want to think too deeply of it. He was a nice guy anyways. I arrived at his house and knocked on his door.  He came to answer it and a little golden retriever puppy came running around my feet. “Hey Kimberly,” he smiled and welcomed me in. “That’s Bingo. He’s not mine. We’re watching him for a neighbor,”

I smiled and pet the dog. “I love dogs,”

“Me too,”

“I think I left my phone here,”

“Oh,” Calum walked me over to the bathroom and I saw it sitting by the sink. “Thanks,” I stuffed it in my pocket. “You, um have a nice bathroom,”

“Thanks, you were in here the whole party; me and you barely got to talk,”

I shyly picked at my cuticle and frowned. ”I’m sorry Calum, I had no idea that,” I looked up now. “You liked me,”

“It’s fine. I guess I just wanted something I couldn’t have. You’re taken,” his face scrunched up a bit when he said this and he sighed.

Figure You Out (Zayn Malik Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant