chapter 15

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“I’m so happy for you Kimmy!” Harry put me in a headlock and I struggled to wiggle loose. “Calum’s the perfect guy for you!”

“Yeah he’s really cool,” I clutched my books and stared at my untied shoelaces.

“Hey,” Harry put his hand under my chin and raised my neck up to look at him. “What’s wrong?”

“Me and Zayn got in a fight,” I sighed, “I don’t think he wants to be my friend anymore.”

“Well that’s just his loss,” Harry grabbed the apple from my backpack and took a big bite from it, “Who needs him? He was always rude to us anyways,”

“But he was just, different,” I explained.

“Yeah, I know he is. But different isn’t always going to be a good different,”

Harry was right. But I still was upset. Me and Zayn were just beginning to open up and he was going to let me in. I knew now why he is the way he was, and didn’t want to end it there. Then again I was kind of glad he didn’t tell me many things. If he was still as talented and amazing as I thought he was, I would probably be in love with him.

“Kimberly,” Harry finally said, stopping at my locker so we could get our books.


“Who did you kiss at midnight?”

I shut my eyes. “Nobody,”

“You suck at lying. I know when you lie because I suck at lying too. We’re best friends, you don’t need to lie to me,”

“If we’re best friends then you shouldn’t always have to know things,”

Harry stared at me, his green eyes looking concerned and his lips formed a disappointed pout. I hated fighting with Harry. Every time we fought I felt like I was going to lose him. Harry could find a new best friend in seconds. But if I lost him, my world would shatter.

“I’m sorry,” I grabbed books from my locker and then slammed it shut. “And I kissed Zayn,”

I began to walk to class but Harry ran up behind me. “Wait you kissed-“ I held my hand to his mouth. ”Shh,”

 Zayn slowly walked by, carrying his sketch pad and a guitar. He quietly passed us, not even bothering to make eye contact. That was just the beginning. The beginning of when i realized I was slowly losing him. He gradually began to leave my life. That day in orcheastra he wasn’t there, I asked the teacher where he had gone and he said Zayn had quit orcheastra. I then began to spot him by himself more.

 I would see him playing his guitar in the janitors closet, or in detention for spraypainting curse words on random lockers. He began to act like the same boy in the beginning of the year, who never spoke in class and sat in the back of the room. Sometimes he didn’t even show up to lunch, and I would spot him trying to open windows, as if wanting to escape. This went on for a month. And Calum and I ended in a month too. He told me I was too concentrated on something else other then our relationship. And he was right.

 Shortly after, Zayn suddenly went missing from school. He had been gone for a week, and nobody seemed to be concerned. A rumor even went around that he got arrested for murder, but I didn’t ever listen to those rumors. Finally, I couldn’t take it. I needed to find him.

  On Saturday I woke up early and decided to ride to Zayn's house. Slowly I knocked on his door, afraid for some reason. A lady stood at the door. She had long black hair and hazel eyes and I supposed she was Zayn’s mom. “Hi, is Zayn here?”

“No, he hasn’t been here for a while. Sorry sweetie,” I expected her to continue but instead she shut the door. I stood wondering what had happened, and then realized where I needed to go. The library.


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